General Info (Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control)

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Chapter 4

Republic Act 6969

The Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act (1990) 

-is the overarching legislation regulating hazardous substances and mixtures.

Under the Act, manufacturers and importers of new substances are required to notify the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of substances they intend to use, if they are not listed on the Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS).

The DENR is the implementing agency and the Act was approved in October 1990.

DENR Administrative Order No 29 is the implementing regulation for RA 6969. The Order was last revised in 1992.

It covers the import, manufacture, processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of all unregulated chemical substances and mixtures in the Philippines.

The Order outlines:

pre-manufacture requirements for new chemicals, including notification;the establishment of a national chemicals inventory;plans for a priority chemicals list;how chemicals must be tested and assessed; andexemptions.

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