Vocabulary part 7

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Abeyance- Suspension

note: panandaliang di gagamitin o ititigil muna

Blithe- Cheerful, Indifferent

Candid- Direct

note: parang pranka

Circumvent- Bypass, avoid

note: paghahanap ng waypara makatakas

Confound- Confuse, surprise

note: eto yung nagcacause na parang nagtataka sya pero nagulat din sya

Connoisseur- expert sa pagtikim

Copious- maximal

note: madami

Core- center

Countenance- Expression, look

note: like kung ano makikita mo sa itsura nya

Elan- enthusiasm, energy and style

Facade- Front

note: nakikita mo sa harapan, example yung sa bahay yung pinaka front

Flaunt- Display , Show

Frolic- Play cheerfully, run around

Fortnightly- Every two weeks

Fussy- particular

note: mahirap mapapayag

Goblet - use to hold wine

Hamlet- Small Settlement

note: tirahan, mas maliit sa village

Heed- pay attention

Herculean-  arduous, Difficult

Impeccable- Flawless

Jovial- Merry

Lambasted- Criticized Harshly, condemn

Magnetic- attractive

Meek- Quiet

note: gentle

Milleu- Environment

Mount- To get to a Horse

Murky - Not Clear

Nymph- Unmarried woman

Ordeal- Horrific experience

note: like a trial or test

Opts- Chooses

note: piliin

Paramount- Supreme

Perchant- Fondness (liking)

note: pagmamahal

Perilous- dangerous, risky

Progmatic- Realistic, Practical


Scion- Descendant

Slogan- Jingle

Smear- a Mark, stain

Solicitude- Care or concern

Splurged- to Spend Extravagantly

note: magastos

Subservient- Gentle

Tureen- use to hold a soup

Unparallel-  Exceptional, unusual

note: parang bibihira

Unscathed- without damage

vanquished- defeated Thoroughly

Visage- face

note: as in mukha

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