Vocabulary part 5

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Acsimilate - Absorb

note: maintindihan ng maayos

Affront - Insult

note: offend

Appellation- Name

Atruism - unselfishness

Backstop- Support

Blunder - Mistake

note: careless mistake,  stupid

Bonifide/ Pukka- Genuine

note: totoo sya

Bouyant- Cheerful

Brink- Margin

Caveat- Warning, conditions

note: eto yung limits

Cesure- Condemn

note: Pagpatol

Chastise- Punish

note: like a strong criticism

Confide- Trust

note: eto yung isasabi mo pero sinabihan mo sya na wag isasabi sa iba

Connote- Mean

Corpulent- Very Fat

Crouch- bend

Derange- Crazy

note: naaalala ko dito yung korean movie hahaha

Emulate- Copy

Execrable- terrible

note: basta bad sya, unpleasant

Expedite- Accelerate

note: para mapabilis

Evokes- Calls up

Flaunt - Display

Flossy- Stylish

Fluster- Confuse

Futile- Useless

Genteel- Well-mannered

note: polite synonym nya

Hinder- Block

note: mga nakaharang

Indignant - Angry

Indulgent- easy going

note: labis na pagbibigay

Inferred- Surmised, gather, reason, work-out

Iterate- Repeat

Jocular- playful

Lenity- Mercy

Lucrative- profitable

Madcap- Wild

note: parang weird din sya

Memento - Souvenir

note: reminder

Morose- Gloomy

note: bad mood

Multifarious- Many Components

Onerous- Heavy

Panacea- Cure all

Parity- Equality

Patrimony- heritage

note: madalas maririnig natin to sa mga history

Pernicious- Destructive

Plausible- Credible (Believable)

Quervious- complaining

Recumbent- Lying down

Repudiate- Disown

note: to refuse and to reject

Scourage- Punishment

note: instrument use to punish

Squalid- dirty

Valiant- Heroic, brave, Fearless

note: walang inaatrasan

Vitiate - Pollute

note: destroy

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