General Info (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act)

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ang mga Republic Act na nandito ay yung MAJOR environmental Laws

Chapter 1

Republic Act 9003   

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

- was  passed by the congress in 2000 and signed by the president  Arroyo January 26, 2001

- Act that promote to reduce use and proper disposal of waste and other possible treatments for this kind of issue, as well as the penalties for those people na hindi susunod.

What is solid waste?

-Materials such as household garbage, food waste , yard waste for short BASURA.

Basic Policies

Ensure Segregation

Ensure the protection for health and environment

Ensure participation of private sectors

Encourage Cooperation and self- regulation

NSWMC- (National Solid Waste Management Commission)

- 14 members in government sector

- 3 in private sector

National Ecology Center

shall be established under the commission, provide consulting information, training for implementation of the provisions of this act.

Shall perform:

1) Facilitate training and education

2)Promote development of Recycling

The provinces, cities and municipalities through its local solid management board shall prepare respective 10 years solid management plans consistent with National Solid Management Framework

LGU - (Local Government Unit)

evaluate alternative roles for public and private sectors in providing collection services, type of collection system that best meet their need.


within 3 years after the effective of this act the OPEN DUMPS must be convert to CONTROLLED DUMPS

Penalty Provisions

- Littering , throwing, dumping in public places (300 to 1,000 pesos/1 to 15 days community service)

-Violation of sanitation/ Burning of solid waste(300 to 1,000 pesos/1 to 15 days imprisonment)

- causing/permitting unsorted solid waste/squatting in open dumps/open dumping/burying waste in flood prone areas/unauthorized removal of recyclable materials (1,000 to 3,000/15 to 6 months imprisonment)

-mixing of recyclable materials/establishments in dump area/non-environmentally accepted materials produce by manufacturers (500,000/ 1 to 3 years imprisonment)

-dumping bulk of collected domestic waste/importation of toxic waste (10,000-200,000/ 30 days to 3 years or both)

-construction of landfills / establishment 200 meter from dump site (100,000-1,000,000/ 1-6 years imprisonment)

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