Vocabulary part 10

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Abominate- Hateful, dislike

note: basta ayaw hahah

Accustom- Make familiar

note: adjust, adapt

Adhere- Stick

note: parang to attach  (manatili)

Advocate- Supporter

Ample- Large

note: sakto na , enough, sufficient

Anachronism- out of place in a point of time

Blandishment- Gentle, Flattery

Brawl- Quarrel

note: yung sa ML hahaha brawl

Brisket- Breast

note: meat

Canard- Story release to delude public

note: like rumors

Cantankerous- Quarrelsome

Capitulate- Surrender


Claptrap- Nonsense

Comestible- Edible

Dastardly- Cowardly

Disgrace- Shame

Doleful - Sad

Effervescent- Lively

Entreat- to Ask someone

Erstwhile- Former

Glisten- Shine

Grandam- Old Woman

Hawker- Vendor

Hooligan- Gangster

Inkling- Hint

note: idea, sense

Lanky-  tall , thin, awkward

Implore- Beg

Lucid/Succinct- Clear

Ludicrous- Ridiculous

note: so foolish

Mar- Injure

Mistreat - Abuse

Noxious- Harmful


Nugatory- Worthless

note: unimportant, walang kahalagahan

Obdurate- Stubborn

note: nirerefuse yug isqang idea kaya nagsisimula ang arguement

Pal-parable- Obvious, visible

note: madaling makita o mapansin

Pedestrian- Ordinary

Perjurer- False statement under oath

Plenitude- Completeness

Refine - Purify, clear

Sage- Wise man

note: one who features in ancient history

Sedulous- diligent, careful, thorough

note: may pake

Slosh- to move about in the water

Sluggish- Lazy

note: tamad , example ang nagbabasa nito ay tamad haha jowk

Traduce- Defame, paninira

note: tell a lie about someone/ katunog nya yung TRAydor hahaha jowk

Urbane- Polite

Vigilant- Watchful

note: parang naririnig ko to sa commercial ng shampoo hahaha

Wrangle- Argue, quarrelsome

Wretched- miserable

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