Chapter 22: A game that I could not afford to lose

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I open my eyes to see blank white walls and I hear the sound of footsteps coming my way. I whip my head around to see the man sneering at me. I try to move my arms but see that they are tied to the back of the chair that I was sitting on by a rope. I look up at my kidnapper. "Don't you recognize this place?" He questions, his eyes gloating proudly. I look at the blank walls and the crooked ceiling. I knew exactly where I was. But I decided to play dumb. "No," I replied, my voice filling up the tiny room. The man approaches and slaps me across the face. "Don't fuck around with me, girl." He snarls. My right cheek stings and tears well up in my eyes. "Poor little Cecilla. An orphan with nothing but debts." He bellows, spitting in my face. He suddenly grins widely. "Who would have thought that she'd become a slutty gold-digging bitch?" He remarks, touching my cheek. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out in pain. I would not show any weakness. He raises his hand and I close my eyes. I feel him freeze and open my eyes. He then crackles with delight. "Look who's calling. Lover Boy." I gulped and I watch as he answers the phone. He puts it on speaker and points his gun at me, daring me to make a noise.

I hear shuffling noises from the other side of the phone. "Cecilia?" Logan's voice questions, panic in his voice. My captor laughs loudly. "Hello, Mr. Knight? Got stood up on your date?" My captor says, in a mocking tone. "Who the fuck are you?" Logan questions, his voice as cold as ice. My captor grins widely and replies, "Your worst nightmare." Logan laughs, "I don't have nightmares. I will find you." Logan states. He cannot put himself in danger. Who knew what this man was capable of? "No. Stay away!!!" I pleaded, my captor's eyes narrow and he glares at me. My captor hangs up and throws my phone across the room in rage. "One thing! There was only one fucking thing I wanted from you and that was for you to shut your fucking mouth!" He bellows, my heart pounds but I keep my face emotionless.

He leans in close to my face. His foul breath hits me in my face. He then sneers, revealing yellow and broken teeth. "I just want to fucking blow your brains out but that wouldn't be too fun, right? I want your poor Logan watch as the love of his life dies before his fucking eyes. Make him helpless." He explains, slowly to me as if I were a young child. I look at him with disgust. "You are a monster. Logan will never fall in your trap." I said, staring him down. He laughs and claps his hands together in glee.

"Even the most powerful men can be destroyed with one single bullet. Sweetheart, all you have to do is sit there and look fucking pretty while I shoot the fuck outta of you." He remarks, looking awfully pleased with himself. I laughed bitterly. "What has the world come to? There is one thing that I know and that is if I am going to die, I am dragging you to hell with me." I retorted. His faces turns red in anger and his hand collides with my right cheek, hard. I ignore the stinging pain and offer him a sweet smile.

I wasn't going to lose to him. I didn't work my ass off in diners to be killed like this. I looked at the clock on the wall, desperately. The man takes out a cigarette and starts to smoke. An idea strikes me and I clear my throat to catch his attention. "Mister?" I ask, making my voice sound vulnerable and soft. He looks at me. "May I have one, please? One last wish before I die." I say, emotionlessly. He sighs and lights up a cigarette for me. I open my mouth and he places it in. I hold back my urge to gag in disgust. I hated the bitter taste of cigarettes but there was no way that I was going to make him suspicious. I keep the cigarette in my mouth and miraculously, his phone rings.

He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it. "Gerald? Hey, bud. Got a gal for me?" He says into the phone. He glances back at me and I pretend to be distracted by the tattered floorboards of my room. He makes his decision and announces, "I'm coming. Tell that bitch to wait up." He quickly hangs up the phone and turns to me. "I'm going out for a short while. Clearly, I'd rather not stay here fucking babysitting you, so I'm gonna leave. If you fucking try anything, you are fucking dead. Understood?" He snarls. I pretend to gulp nervously whilst holding the cigarette in place with my teeth and I nod my head. I watch as he leaves the room. I wait until I hear the front door shut and the sound of a truck moving away. I place the burning end of the cigarette on the rope and wait. I had a couple of hours until he would return.

Thirty minutes had passed and my rope was finally thin. I flung my arms apart and burn them against the rope but manage to set my arms free. I stand up from my chair and I open the window of my bedroom. I look at the distance between the tree and my window. There was no time to hesitate and I jumped. I held back a scream as I grabbed onto a thin branch and scraped my arms. I fell and pain shot up my right ankle. I limp away from my house towards the main road. I needed to escape, there was no time. Logan would not get hurt because of me. The least I could do was lure my kidnapper away from my house. I knew that Logan would track down my phone. I didn't want to risk his life for mine. I limped slowly, praying.

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