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4 months later ...

Logan comes into the bedroom which a tray of food and I smile as I watched my husband carefully put down the tray. He pulls out barbecue sauce out of his pocket and hands it to me, proudly. I grinned, feeling loved at the fact he remembered my weird obsession with it recently. He pulls me onto his lap and watches as I eat. "I'm so excited to meet our little dude," Logan says, his hands resting on my stomach. Logan and I had found out the gender a week ago and we were both over the moon about our baby. Mostly because it meant that we could now properly think of names and buy clothing. "What about Howard?" I asked he snorts at my suggestion making me giggle. He looks at me with mock hurt. "Sweetheart, you have many talents but finding names aren't one of them." He declares. I rolled my eyes. "Do you want our boy to be bullied?" He questions, as I turn to face him. I smiled and kissed him. He was such a protective father. "No, but I like driving you nuts," I replied, putting away the plate. Logan raises his eyebrow and pulls me close to him. "You already drive me nuts woman." He says, kissing me. I laughed and smiled at the man in front of me.

I remembered how Logan was worried about me being a young mother and if I wanted more freedom. I had assured him that I wouldn't want anything else but him and our baby. "You are so beautiful." He says, his hands holding my waist. I was so lucky to be with a man who treated me like a goddess despite me being cranky all the time. My phone buzzes and I see a text from Danielle about the baby shower. Logan watches as I swiftly reply and I turn to him with a giggle. "Remember when you just blurted out that I was pregnant?" I asked, making Logan chuckle. I don't think I would forget Ms. Knight passing money to Mr. Knight. They had a bet!!! While, Louise, Jessie, and Danielle gave me looks of betrayal. They were all in shock. Jessie grabbed Logan and swatted him with her purse. "You pervert! When did you get your hands on our innocent little Cecilia!" She screeched. I burst out laughing at the memory. I was so happy to see how delighted everyone was. I was scared that they wouldn't be pleased but everyone was pleased. Especially Louise who declared, "My brother has some balls after all." Logan had choked on his water and went into a coughing fit. God, I loved the Knight family. "I can't wait for us to tell them about gender, tonight," I said, lacing my fingers with Logan's. He hummed in agreement and I looked up at him to see his blue eyes darken.

I squealed as he kissed me and pulled me close. I loved that he was open about how he felt about me. He made me feel beautiful and I knew that he was mine as I was his. I had after all managed to capture his heart.

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