Chapter 4: Trapped

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Cecilia P.O.V

"What? You ... why?" I sputtered, astounded at her favour. She wanted me to work at a strip club as a waitress for tonight since one of her friends asked her to. She takes my hands into hers and looks right into my eyes. "Please, Lia! I can't do this alone!" she pleaded, her eyes begging me. I let out a sigh and shook my head, feeling defeated. "I better not see anything terrible," I said, agreeing. She beamed widely and nodded. We quickly change into the waitress uniform and it is surprisingly simple. Danielle gives me a smile and we get into her car. It had been so long since I've worked as a waitress. After becoming Logan's secretary, I had not worked with Danielle for almost two years.

I watched as the strip club came into view. The strip club was overflowing with people and I felt my heartbeat quicken. I never did really like crowds of people. Partially, because of the crowds of people that chased around my dad for his debts. I take a deep breath and relax my face into a smile. We enter through the back door and we are greeted by the boss who looks distressed. His gaze lands on us and he shoots us a relieved look. "Good, you two are here! Thanks for helping out." he greets us with a smile. We nod and get to work, I serve drinks to people and take their orders. As I was taking out the trash, I smelt a strong nostalgic smell of whiskey and I felt an arm wrap around my waist. "You look reaaal gorgeous, sweeeheart." The man who grabbed me, slurs. I freeze, unable to think.

The stranger's face morphs into my dad's and I see his brown eyes that are identical to my own, staring back at me. I struggle to push him away and my dad just laughs, "Where do you think you're going?" he answers, making me feel dizzy then I am ripped away from him. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to shield myself away from him. "Cecilia?" calls a voice and Logan comes into view. His eyes filled with worry and he calls my name, again. I blink and bring myself back to reality. "Are you alright?" he asks, his voice soothing me. I nod and force a smile, holding myself together. "I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." I replied, my voice wavering. Shaking, I stand up and walk towards the back door. Logan's arms wrap around me and before he can say anything. I burst into tears and he says nothing but he pulls me close.

I bury my face into his strong shoulder and I hold onto him tightly. My tears soon stop and I pull myself together, knowing that he was just a kind man not some friend of mine. I had no right to use him. I wipe away my tears and as I was just about to go back inside, he scoops me up into his arms and he marches inside with a stern expression. The boss and Danielle dash over to me, looking relieved. "Lia? What happened?" she asks, her face full of worry. I open my mouth but Logan replies instead, "I'm sorry but I'll be taking her home now." The two agree and send us on our way. Logan starts walking towards the car park and I muster up the courage to speak. "I'm sorry for involving you like that. I'm fine, really." I coaxed him, he looks down at me with doubt. I curl my lips into a smile. "Sorry, I'm just not convinced," he answers, opening the passenger side's door and he gently sets me down.

I watch him walk over to the driver's side and he gets inside the car. His phone rings loudly and he answers it with a sigh. "What? I told you to secure the perimeter," he mumbles, angrily into the phone. He sighs loudly and he takes a look towards my direction. I look at him with anxious eyes and his eyes soften slightly. He abruptly ends the phone call and says "You staying with me tonight. The paparazzi saw us back there. It would be hectic tomorrow." I nod, unable to think clearly. I look out the window, trying to distract myself. I was being irrational. My father was dead now. Yet, I saw him in the alley with that sinister smile of his. I was officially going mad. I couldn't believe that I had involved Logan. I turn to see Logan who was gripping the wheel tightly. "I'm sorry that I got you involved. It was my fault for being so careless." I apologized.

Suddenly he pulls over the car to the side and gives me an incredulous look. "Your fault?! None of that is your fault. He was nothing more than a scumbag. Don't you ever think of yourself that low!" he says, angrily. His eyes soften and he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Besides it is my duty to protect my girlfriend," he says, my heart races despite knowing that I wasn't really his girlfriend. He then continues driving back to his home. He parks the car and he helps me walk to his house which was so beautiful. The house was tall and it was just so him. I stand around looking at the living room which was almost five times as big as my whole apartment. I look at the fish tank, excitedly. There were so many and it amused me to imagine Logan tending the fishes.

Logan clears his throat, trying to get my attention and says, "A bath is ready if you wish for one." A lady with a very warm smile enters the room and greets me. "Hello, dearie. I'm Susan Brown, Logan's housekeeper. I just heard what happened. Please relax and don't you blame yourself." she says, gently. I nod and I feel my cheeks heating up. I was just not used to being taken care of like this. I felt as if I was taking advantage of their kindness. "Thank you," I replied, trying to smile. She takes my hand and we go upstairs. I take a bath and when I get out I see a long shirt and boxers. I slip them on and exit the bathroom after drying my hair. I see Logan who is freshly changed and his hair is a little wet. I look around to see the table full of food and notice that Mrs. Brown has departed.

We sit down for dinner. "Thank you for everything," I said, looking at Logan. He looks up from his food and gives me a smile. "You have nothing to be thankful about. It's okay to depend on people sometimes," he replies with such warmth in his voice, making my cheeks turn red yet again. Dinner ends silently, but not with an awkward silence more like the tranquil silence. After I help clean the dishes, he leads me down a narrow hallway towards the bedrooms. "The room next door would be mine and you're welcome to enter if you need anything," he explains, while opening the door of the guest room. His blue eyes scrutinize my expression and "Good night." he says as he leaves me. I say it back and sit down on the big, comfy bed. I lay down and as soon I close my eyes, the image of my father appears. His sadist smile and cold brown eyes fill my mind. Feeling so trapped, I cry myself to sleep silently.

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