Chapter 19: The encounter at Maggie's Diner

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Logan P.O.V

Louise and Jessie prance around in my room, singing High School Musical and I hold my head in my hands, wondering how did I end up here. Louise convinced me that she would help me woo Cecilia and that she would not say any embarrassing secrets of our childhood if I watched the movie with them. Worried that Cecilia would find out about the time I was in a band and wrote stupid songs, I hastily agreed. Jessie and Louise spin around the room like maniacs. I missed Cecilia. I missed the way her hand fit inside mine. The way she would avert her eyes away from me after I kissed her. How she would give me a shy smile whenever I smiled at her. Her laughter and her eyes. Her head that rested against my chest when she slept. I missed her so much. I looked at the letter on my bedside table. It had been a week since she left and two days since I had returned. I had given her some space since I didn't want to overwhelm her. Louise reasoned that absence makes the heart grow fonder and I agreed, wanting to stay positive. It was time, I straighten my tie and check the time on my watch. Louise, Jessie and I head towards the front door. I get into my car. "Go get her!" Louise cheers loudly, and I smile, rolling down my window to wave at them. I let Cecilia slip out of my fingers once and I wouldn't again.

Cecilia P.O.V

The diner that I have started working in, was busy with numerous customers. There were families with big smiles and I felt my heart sink as I watch a mother hold her sleeping child with a tender look on her face. I only could pray that the child would never know what the real world was like. "What can I get you?" I ask the family sitting in table 24. The mother looks at her child who was now wide awake. "Mummy? Bueberrwue pamcakes." The child says, his eyes shining with adoration towards his mother. The mother smiles and runs her hand through his hair, affectionately. She then turns to me and says, "I would like some blueberry pancakes, one cup of coffee, and orange juice. Can you also get an extra plate, so that my son and I can share?" I nod and give them a smile. They were adorable. A man dressed in a suit runs up to them. The boy squeals and says, "DADDY." The mother's face lights as she sees her husband. The man quickly orders and I leave them. I turn my head to see the father laughing with his son as his wife watched them, her eyes shining.

I adjust my apron and make my way towards the kitchen. Ms. Morhan gives me a smile and says, "Table 7! Lia! They want you to take their order. This is your last table. I don't want to work you to death, ok?" I nod and say, "I'm fine, Mrs. Mohan. I just love it here. But I understand." With that said, I head to table 7. I take out my battered notepad out of the back pocket of my apron. I take out my pen and say, "Welcome to Maggie's Diner. What can I get you, today?" I look up to see an impeccably dressed man. His lips tugged into a smile and his blue eyes twinkle. I swallow and look down at my notepad. I turn my head to see Mrs. Mohan giving me a wink. I cannot believe she set me up. "Cecilia." His melodious voice fills my ears and I put my notepad away. I look at Logan, my palms sweating and I'm scared. I'm not scared of him but what I might do. "Sit with me." He says, gesturing towards the empty seat across from him. I fiddle with the hem of my apron nervously and he clears his throat. "Please." He adds, making me look up with surprise. I sit down and I look at him. He gives me a weary smile. "You look well," I say, keeping my voice curt and cold. He laughs, "Thanks. I'm doing well except for some woman who has seemed to have cast her spell on me." He says, leaning forward. I am suddenly aware of how small the table is. I am surrounded by the scent of him and his eyes are on me. "I'm glad that you're doing well," I say, looking down at the menu on the table.

His hand suddenly reaches out and tucks in a stray curl that escaped my bun behind the back of my ear. "Sweetheart, I have been looking for you, everywhere," Logan says, his voice full of honesty and determination. I look at him. "Logan. Please don't do this." I plead, knowing that he already has me and that I cannot refuse him. He takes my hand that wears his bracelet. "It looks good on you." He says, looking at me with warmth. I blush and attempt to take it off to return to him. I had forgotten about it, completely. "I am in love with you, Cecilia. It's only been weeks but you have stirred up something within me that I believed was non-existent. The world seems more beautiful and bright with you in it with me. I promise that I will make you happy." My heart pounds at his declaration and he then stands up. He kisses the top of my head. "Sunday. 7:30 pm. Meet me here, again." After these words, he leaves and I watch him salute to Mrs. Mohan who beams. I sighed and I cover my face with my hands as I recall his smile. I missed him. I watch through the gaps of my fingers as he walks out. He turns around and his confident facade breaks. He gives me a hopeful smile right before he disappears around the corner of the street. Damn you, Logan Knight!

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