Chapter 23: The bitter revenge

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I wander through the streets, desperately looking for anyone. The streets are empty and no cars are passing by. "PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I yell and my voice echoes throughout the empty neighborhood. I walk around, my heart pounding. I needed to get as far away from the house. He would be returning soon. I limped towards a shop but it is vacant. "Hello?" I shout again but my voice simply echoes and soon, the whole street is silent. I drag myself to knock on the houses but no one seems to be present. I climb up the stairs onto a porch of a house and knock. I wait but there is no response. My heart sinks.

Suddenly, I see a car driving by and I dash into the middle of the road to get the driver's attention. I try not to wince at the searing pain of my ankle. It was definitely broken. My heart sinks as I see the face of the driver. It is my captor. He looks at me with a leering grin. "What a sweet surprise." He remarks, stepping out of the vehicle. I desperately walk away but he grabs my hair and I hold back a scream as pain shoots up my ankle. He laughs and declares, "You've been naughty, honey. I did not want to do this but you leave me no other choice." He drags me to his car and bangs my head onto the bumper of the car. I feel dizzy and blood drips down my head. My vision becomes hazy and I blackout in pain.

Captor P.O.V

I grab her limp body and dump her into the backseat of the car. I make my way back towards the house. I try to hold back laughter but I cannot. Logan was gonna wish he had never been born. I stop the car and open the door for the girl. She was pretty but it was too bad that she was a golddigger. I walk into the house and into the room. I examine the mess that she had made. I see the cigarette and the remains of the rope on the floor. She wasn't as stupid as I thought. I place her on the ground and I don't tie her up. She would not get anywhere with that busted ankle. All that was left to do was the waiting game. Logan would be arriving soon. I laugh in delight as I recall the girl's hopeful smile when she came across my car. Stupid fucking bitch.

There was no way that I would let her go. Not when I was this close to crushing Logan Knight for ruining my life. That asshole had shut down my company and now I cannot get hired anywhere. He took something of mine and now I take away something of his. I longed to see pain in his eyes caused by me. For him, to forever regret the day we crossed paths. He took me down and reduced me from a CEO to a worthless homeless man on the streets. I gritted my teeth and slammed my fist on the wall. I will take him down with me. Make him lose the light in his sad pathetic life. He will pay for his actions.

I turned my head to see Cecilia. She was slumped over in her chair. Her dress was in tatters and her makeup was ruined. Her hair was a mess and she had a bruised cheek. Who knew that even the great Logan Knight had a weakness? And to think that this woman would help me bring Logan down to his knees and beg for mercy. I picked up my gun and loaded it with bullets. A smile spreads across my face and I cannot hold back a giggle. My laughter fills the silent room. I smirk as I glance again at the girl stirring in her chair. It was a pity that she had to die. I would have loved to ravish her in front of a helpless Logan.

I looked at my watch and leaned back in my chair. I was ready for him. All that there was to do was to wait.

Cecilia P.O.V

I feel a sharp sting on my left cheek and I fearfully open my eyes to see my captor. "Get the fuck up." He snarls, angrily. I sit up and ignore the pain of my ankle. "He's coming. I hear him." He says, smiling but there is fear visible in his eyes. Logan was not one to be messed with. Soon enough, I hear footsteps from downstairs. "STAY AWAY!!!" I screamed, pleading Logan would listen. My captor would do anything to hurt him. My captor grabs my face and slaps me. "SHUT THE FUCK-" He yells, only to be interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open. Gunshots ring out and I watch as my captor cries out in anguish. Blood is gushing out of his thigh and he falls to the ground. I see Logan at the door with another man. His eyes widen as he takes in the ragged state that I am in. The warmth in Logan's eyes disappear and is replaced by rage. He grabs my captor and punches his face. Logan throws him aside. My captor releases a pain-filled groan as he lies on the ground.

The man beside Logan grabs my captor and removes the gun from my captor's pocket. Logan walks towards me. He embraces me and I hear the sounds of our hearts beating wildly. He quickly unties my hands, freeing me. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. That's when I see my captor get up and escape. A murderous look takes over his eyes. Time stops briefly and a sickening feeling fills me up. "Look out!" I screamed to warn Logan. But it's too late as my captor slams Logan as the wall.

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