Chapter 21: What if

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I stand in front of the mirror. I run my hands through my hair, nervously. I look at myself in the mirror, one last time. I let down my hair and I turn to face Danielle. "Girl! You look so gorgeous!!!" She comments, making me smile shyly. I felt worried about Logan. There were so many what-ifs. What if he doesn't show up? What if he doesn't feel the same as I do? What if I am misreading the situation?

I shake my head. These questions never get you anywhere! I decided to trust Logan. I adjusted the black dress that I was wearing. It was simple and modest. "Like he hasn't seen you naked!" Screams my inner voice. I blush red at the thought.

"I think that I'm ready." I say to Danielle who gives me an eager nod. She walks towards me and gives me a brief hug. "Lia, I am so proud of you! Go get your man!!!" She exclaims, quickly pushing me out the door. I wave as I walk down the street towards the diner.

The cool air refreshed me and I looked up at the beautiful blue sky. It suddenly hit me. How much I wanted to see Logan. How much I wanted to see him smile at me. My heart skips a beat at the thought of him. I smile to myself as I fiddle with the bracelet around my wrist. A bracelet that he had given me after he had made love to me.

I see the familiar silhouette of the diner and hold back the urge to run. A hand out of nowhere grabs my wrist. I look to see a middle-aged man with a crooked smile. "Found you, at last, you whore." He declares, his grip on my wrist tightening. I try to pull away from him and say, "Stop! You must be mistaken!! I do not know you." He sneers at me and laughs. He peers into my eyes and my heart pounds in my chest. "Where's your boy toy? He isn't here to save you, now!" He yells, gleefully.

The image of the guy who grabbed me when I was with Danielle at the strip club flashes through my mind and I am left horrified. "I am never letting you escape. After all, you ruined me, you bitch!" He snarls, leaving bruises on my wrist with his tight grip.

I struggle as he grabs my waist and I watch as two hooded figures take ahold of my legs. I kick and scream, hoping anyone would come but I feel my energy draining slowly. My mouth is taped shut and I am helpless as they carry me away into the back seat of a truck.

The door of the truck shuts and I watch as the two hooded figures run off into the distance. The man gets onto the front seat and he begins to drive. I bang on the window, desperate for anyone to notice me. "STOP, THE FUCKING BANGING!!!!!" He screams, turning his head towards me.

His eyes are terrifying and show nothing but pure hatred. This man hates me and I barely know him. He picks up a gun resting on the seat beside him. "Another fucking noise. Bang and you're dead. Understand?" He threatens, playing with the gun. I nod, trying to keep myself from falling apart.

I needed to be strong and I would find another chance to escape. I needed to think rationally. I did not want to contact Logan since it would put him in danger. I discreetly check the inside of my jacket to see if my phone was still there and luckily it was. I quickly shoved it inside my bra.

"Cecilia Blackett, ridiculous. A poor girl with a shitty background with the glorious Logan Knight." The man states, breaking the silence. He looks at me through the mirror with disgust in his eyes. "You know what your fucking actions did to me? You precious little boyfriend got me fired and I lost everything; my house, my reputation, my ability to even get another fucking job. He ruined me." He hisses, slamming his fist down on to the truck's horn.

He then laughs hysterically and I watch as tears run down his cheeks. "But now? Poor Knightie, I have something of his to ruin forever now. " He yelps, as he drives through a red light. I knew instantly that I could not involve Logan. He was the target of this monster. I was essentially bait. I could not put Logan in danger.

"Whatcha thinking about, little whore? I can hear the pathetic sound of the gears turning inside that pretty head of yours. I bet Knightie wouldn't mind if I helped myself. You look like you'd be a good fuck." He retorts, making my blood run cold. I looked out the window and made sure not to react. He only wanted to get a response from me. I should stay focused and I ignored his previous statement. "Where are you taking me?" I ask, forcing my voice not to tremble.

His expression lights up and a sinister smile curls his lips. "Somewhere he'd never find you." He answers as he speeds up the car. I watched the busy landscape of the city disappear and the trees appear. I waited to see any signs but there were none. "This is private property, whore. No one would look for you, here. " He says, crackling with delight.

He suddenly stops the car and unbuckles his seatbelt. He grabs me by my hair and pulls it right up to his face. "It's time for a little nap. Nighty night." He exclaims and before I know it, a piece of cloth is pressed against my face. I try with all my might to push him away but I feel the effect of chloroform kicking in.

Everything goes black and the sound of his laughter rings in my ears as I black out completely.

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