It was a dream.... nightmare

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Four months has passed and no sign of Charlotte waking up, grandad is sat beside her in the chair next to Charlotte bed he has refused to leave her side in case she needs him, every night granddad sits in the same chair and prays for a miracle, his family needs a miracle right now and as grandad holds on he knows the chances are getting slimmer each passing week. As he rest a hand on her hand, grandad can feel a tear roll down his cheek as he looks at his granddaughter laying helpless on the bed, the rest of the family have gone to get food and should be back in a minute. Looking at the door seeing if any family are coming grandad comes in closer needing only Charlotte to hear what he's about to say...

"I know you can hear me right now Lottie but I won't hold it against you if you choice to be with your parents, no one will sweetie, i love you" grandad whispers in her ear as he kisses her cheek one more time looking at his beautiful granddaughter. As grandad takes his seat he knows that if she choices to fight that she be waking up without parents and the family know that will make or break her, Charlotte has always been close to her parents and if she wakes up everyone will know that she will no longer be the same. Sitting there waiting for the rest of the family to come back, he notices something on the monitors but he's not sure what's he's looking at and seconds later Charlotte heart monitor starts beeping loudly. Doctors and nurses come running in, one is trying to push grandad out the room telling him to wait outside but he wants to know what's happening, he has grown worried, the family are walking back to the room when they see his face and they all look worried, running over to grandad they drop there food in a hurry. 

"Code blue. Code blue" the doctor shouts and more doctors go rushing into the room leaving everyone with questions. Grandad cant help but start crying as he said it was ok and as he looks on now, the words he said only seconds ago he is now regretting, he cant live without his granddaughter, the only thing left of his own daughter. 


Singing and messing around in the car with my parents is all fun and games as we don't care what other cars going pass would think about us as all of us as we are carefree and wild. My father is at the wheel with the biggest smile on his face as we are on the way to get ice cream after I just won nationals, no one has no chance to beat me, I was undefeated and every since I started winning it has been tradition to get ice Crean after a win. 

"We are the champions" me and mother are signing and laughing at how bad we actually sound as even a dying cat sounds better then us, dad is laughing at us but refusing to join in with us as he sounds worse then me and mother put together but my eyes flash before my eyes when a lorry comes out of no where and is coming straight towards us speeding, the bright lights of his lorry get closer with each passing second that I don't even have time to think about what is happening. 

"Dad watch out" I yell at my dad who starts to press the brakes harshly on the car but the other lorry doesn't seem to slow down on but it looks like it's speeding up, I look at my father who has the worried expression on his face as he looks at the lorry speeding towards us, in the last second I see my mother and father look at each other before looking at me.

End of flashback 

"Nooo" I scream at the top of my lungs rushing to sit up trying to catch my breath as sweat starts to drop down my face, grandad and grandma comes rushing into my room with petrified looks on there faces, they both know I have been having flashback of the day my parents die and I will always remember that moment my parents knew that they wasn't going to make it and some days I wish I didn't as I sit up in bed. 

"It's just a dream sweetie" grandad says taking a seat on my bed holding me closely to his chest trying to get me to calm down but it wasn't a dream, it was real. Very real. A memory of me and my parents crashing on the way back from nationals, my parents had no chance of surviving so I been told but it doesn't make it any easier to move on as every time I close my eyes I see the lorry come full speed towards us. As I sit there being hold tears starts to form as I can't stop think about my parents dying right in front of me but somehow I managed to live though the horror waking up five months later from a coma with my grandad by my side. I almost died with them and honestly a part of me did. My nightmares of my life start two years ago

"I miss you mum and dad"

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