The news

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Charlotte pov

Laying on the sofa hasn't ever felt good as I got discharged the same day and I couldn't be happier to come back home as I have hated the hospital since I lost my parents and couldn't bare another hour there. I only got a mild concussion which I couldn't be happier about as I don't think I could bare the looks from my family if anything else happened. I'm waiting for the rest of the family to come round as Sunday we all spend the day together watching movies or just spending the day doing silly things. As the house starts to get crowded with everyone someone has stuck the television on but none of us can find the remote, I think someone sat on it or its under the cushion but I'm in no rush to move incase someone takes my seat. 

"Today on the news we seen the return of Charlotte Lockhart yesterday making her first appearance surfing since her loss and the whole town couldn't be prouder to hear she made it to the next round and during the heat Charlotte took a nasty hit by a wave and got pulled under where she wasn't seen for over three minutes and when they did managed to get a hold of her she wasn't breathing and was rushed to the hospital where she was discharged the same day. We hope this isn't it for the surfer as we all think about a quick recovery" the next thing I see is the remote in my hand and me turning the television off, I couldn't hear that again as I'm going to hear it all day at school tomorrow as well, sitting there silent no one says anything. Everyone looks at me like I lost my mind but I don't care, people will say I choked or I froze but the truth will never be mentioned. 

"Family barbecue, everyone outside" I hear grandad shout with the best timing and I couldn't be happier as he broke the awkward silent that was in the room, I'm the first one outside as they are talking about food.

Talking with Darren in the garden is peaceful as we just click and get along but I can't help but feel Hayden eyes on me throughout the whole conversation, I know he's over protective with me but I'm sure he knows we have been spending a bit of time together considering he's also helping me train which I think grandad told him. 

"Are you ready for your completion?" I ask Darren as I would love to be there like he has been for me the pass week, I would love to return the favour and cheer him on knowing he has no family or anything in this area. I know Hayden will be there cheering him on making sure he has it all on video for him to go though after. I haven't really seen Darren surf yet but I would love to. 

"Of course and lucky for you, it's in this town so I hope you be cheering me on" he winks making me laugh a little, of course I'll be cheering him on. There has been a little flirting between us but from what I can tell its all harmless as we both know nothing can happen between us. 

"I'll be your number one fan if you like" I say taking a slip of my drink as I'm ready for food now but grandad is taking his time with it, grandad is a over perfectionist with his food and doesn't he know it. 

"I would love that" he responds as quick as I tell him which is great, now he knows he has someone standing on the beach cheering as we both sit their talking about anything and anything. Telling Darren I be right back I head to get a refill in my drink to just overhear my cousin and uncle talking in hush tones. 

"What's happening with Lottie and Darren" Steven asks Hayden as he looks at Darren sat alone for a second but I cant help but listen to what he has to say, everyone has been over protective with me but anyone with eyes can see me and Darren are only friends, he doesn't sneak in my bedroom if thats what they are wondering. 

"I'm not sure but I know they have got close over the pass couple of days" Hayden says in return and I know he still sees me as his little cousin but I have grown in the past years even matured without my parents. 

"Looks like he makes her smile but if he ever breaks her heart I'll be the first one to kill him and burry the body" Jason says looking at both Hayden and Steven who nodding in agreement. I cant help but laugh as I know Jason would be the first to say something about killing and hiding the body. I have really missed this family. 

"Food is ready" grandad shouts and I am the first in line pushing pass everyone to get the best on the grill knowing my uncles would want the biggest piece but I give everyone a smile as I stand first in line patiently waiting for the food which he said was ready. 

Sitting and laughing with Darren has been good, however I can see my cousin and uncle talking about us as they keep looking over giving us the eyes, I know my cousin well and he's overprotective, over bearing but I know his heart is pure even though I don't need someone looking out for me every minute, I am thankful I have a family as close bonded as we are. Once I heard grandad shout food I was straight to him picking up a burger, I could almost hear Darren laughing at me because I shot up mid way between talking but if it was Darren or food, ill grant it be food all the time, food is life. Once I have my food I head back to my spot on looking the beach, the view is amazing even better when the sun is going down as it reflects on the ocean.

Darren pov

Watching Lottie eat and watching the sun I couldn't be happier as I know how hard it is to get over a lost and then back into the water, nothing ever comes easy especially when your in the spotlight. I know I have made a couple of mistake, the most recent bringing Lacey here with me as not only did she start a fight with Lottie but she laid a hand on her. I don't know how anyone could start a fight with her as she's one of the most innocent girls I have ever met, the way she sees good in everyone and puts them first, not only is she beautiful on the outside, she's one hell of a women on the inside I can't deny that I could see my self with her, she's caught my breath the minute I seen her but I don't think anything could go further with her as I am friends with her cousin and thats something I don't want to break. 

"Darren can I have a word" I hear Hayden walk over to me, by the way he's coming over I know it's about his cousin who I took a liking to, I don't think it written clearly on my face but I know he can see straight though me and I cant help who I like. 

"Sure what's up" I ask before taking a bite of my hot dog, I'm not sure how this is going to turn out as I would hate to lose a close friend like Hayden. Him and his family have really taken me in and made me feel like one of the family and I couldn't break that trust by hurting Charlotte. 

"My cousin has gone though enough and another heartbreak isn't what she needs right now" I listen to Hayden as he goes on about Lottie, how she's gone though losing her parents and I wouldn't hurt her, not an innocent girl like her. Their just something about Charlotte that drew me in maybe it was her innocent look or her surfing but what I do know is that I like her. 

"I won't deny that I like her, she's an attractive women with a heart of gold, the last thing i want to do is hurt her" I say hoping he stop talking about Lottie as she could possible hear us talking about her and could have heard every word i said, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to get to know every bit of her

"I won't stand in the way of her happiness but if you break her heart, you won't have just me to deal with" Hayden say looking around at all his cousin and uncles who have Lottie back, the last person I want to make mad is Hayden dad as he scared me a couple of times.

After the talk with Hayden I take a seat thinking about everything that has happened; coming with Hayden closer to the ocean with the girlfriend, helping Lottie get back on the board, breaking up with Lacey, having a panic attack when Lottie never came up for air. After been here for a short while I finally know what I want to do with my life and where I want to do it. I couldn't thank the one person who helping me see the bigger picture... Lottie.

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