Asking permission

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Charlotte pov

"No mum, dad" I scream, I wake up with a cold sweat as I think about my parents wondering if they are looking down at me with disappointment that I haven't turned out like they thought I would, I know they would have loved for me to carry on with surfing but since that accident, I just need them. They were everything to me, my biggest supporters and my number one fans they was the two faces I would look for when I won. I need them. Looking up to the sky I put a hand on my heart and repeat the words my parents told me to say...

"Away from the eye but never from the heart"

With a single tear rolling down my face, Hayden comes running in first with a baseball bat in his right hand and a look on his face, I know he's only making sure I'm ok with uncle running in after him with a pillow in his hand but I give him a funny look as who would bring a pillow to someone who screamed, what he plan to do with that, have a pillow fight. I wipe the tears away not wanting them to see me cry but I know its too late for that. 

"What you going to do with a pillow?" I ask laughing with a hint of curiosity even Hayden drops the bat down by the side of my bed before looking at his dad starting to laughing with me as he looks at his father shaking his head. When I screamed I might of thought I woke someone up but I thought they would have come with something better then a pillow like my cousin. 

"First thing I grabbed ok" he says rolling his eyes at me like its something bad, I carry on laughing with my cousin but uncle rolls his eyes walking over to me and taking a sit on my bed, the laughing have stopped as he becomes serious. 

"You ok? We heard you scream" uncle says, suddenly I stop laughing as I remember the nightmare that never leaves me alone when I close my eyes but this time it was different as I heard what my grandad say, I remember him telling me it was ok. I didn't know how much he was hurting till right now how I remember what he whispered making sure no one else heard him. 

"Yes, I'm fine. it was just a nightmare" I say cosying up to my uncle with Hayden on the other side of me trying to climb into my bed, we all cuddle on my bed rocking me side to side calming me down then grandad come running in, with everyone else behind him. As I look at my grandad I give him a reassuring smile and realising how many of my family are with me right now, I cant believe I was ready to give up .

"Your ok" grandad says and I look at him making sure I am remembering everything now of what happened, climbing out of bed i run to him, I heard every word. I need to make sure he's ok as I knew it hurt him to say everything he whispered. 

"I'm always going to be ok with you next to me, you was next to me everyday at the hospital, even told me, it was ok to let go. I heard every word" I say to him, he looks downs to me and gives me a big hug but the hug is cut short when Hayden takes my hand and leads me outside alone.

As Hayden leads me outside we both take a seat on the beach and watch the ocean come and go for a couple of minutes as it's peaceful out here, my bedroom was starting to get packed as one by one everyone eventually came running into my room to make sure I was ok. I know grandad hasn't told anyone about my nightmares as he didn't want anyone to worry and I see where's he's coming but now I realise how much this has been hurting him. 

"You know I'm always here, even if you don't want to talk" he finally breaks the silence wrapping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closers. I know what he means and I'm thankful for it, for him. I honestly don't know what I would have done without my grandparents and now that he's here and by my side I know I will be ok. 

"I know, I really do know" I say in respond, I know I have him to talk to or just to sit with as Hayden as always been over protective with me like a big brother. We both just sit there a little longer before Hayden decided to go in after a hour of sitting and watching the ocean but I have other ideas and I grab my surf board before heading into the ocean, for the first time in two years, wanting to watch the sun rise with the water at my feet. One step forward. 

"Away from the eye but never from the heart. I love you mum and dad" I say looking at the sunrise and thinking about my parents knowing how proud they would be just to see this little baby step.I just sit there not wanting to leave however when I'm ready I paddle back to the shore line where I see my family out on the beach, looking at me with smiles on there faces, I paddle quickly back to the beach. 

"We are proud of you" everyone says and I didn't know how much I needed to hear that till right now in this moment, I need this. I need them. 

Monday morning and I have Hayden jumping on my bed excitedly trying to wake me up but he should know better then to try and wake me up but he should be lucky as I can't throw him at the wall or smash it like a clock unfortunately like I did to my last clock. I moan at him as he tries once again to wake me up when I don't want to be woken up. 

"Come on kiddo, I'm taking you school today" Hayden says finally walking out my bedroom skipping like he wants to tell me something but doesn't want to tell me yet. I jump out of bed and quickly throw on a jumper and shorts before making my way downstairs for breakfast hoping the boys haven't eaten everything like they usually do. Once I'm downstairs i throw my bag on the floor and head to the kitchen as my belly is starving, I can hear it shouting at me. 

"I'm ready hay" I say walking into the kitchen grabbing Oliver my other cousins toast with a smile as I know Hayden won't let me eat before he drags me out the door himself. 

"Give me a minute Little one" Hayden says finishing his last bite off before standing up wiping the crumbs off but I grab his car keys and make my way to his car hoping this would hurry him up considering he's the one who woke me up. I want to pick a radio station to listen too as Hayden would pick something I can't sing too or stand as he doesn't have the best taste in music or girls or actually in anything. 

As I finished picking a station Hayden gets in the car and we make the way to school however I am in no rush as  I never liked school or liked being on time. We arrive in one piece thankfully and we both get out the car but Hayden gets out with a smile that has me curious, he's been dying to ask me something but hasn't dropped any hits of what it could be which has left me wondering.

"Thank you" I say to Hayden giving him a side hug before I walk over wanting to make it to my first lesson before the bell but Hayden stops me in my tracks as he shouts to me with a smile on his face, I knew walking away would get him to stop me eventually. 

"Wait, I want to talk to you about something" Hayden says looking at me, I knew he wanted to ask me something but before I say anything I make sure I have plenty of time. 

"Sure, I got time to kill" I say giving him a smile stepping closer to him so he doesn't have to shout across the court yard, I just wish this isn't about a girl as I haven't so much liked his pasted relationships considering they have been a little snotty and he deserves someone better. 

"So, my friend and his girlfriend are coming down and he's a surfer. He wanted to make sure it was ok with you before he came down?" Hayden whispers to me, I honestly don't mind who he has over, I haven't met his friend but he sounds like a gentleman if he's asking me first. 

"I don't mind, i look forward to meeting him" I say back with a smile, he gives me a quick hug and I make my way into school wondering why he asked in the first place, I have no problem with surfers as its not there fault I don't surf anymore. Just thinking about it makes me stomach cringe as now ill be wondering about everything like why he asked. 

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