Friendly completion

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Lottie pov

Being woke up once again isn't something i enjoy doing, something obviously thinks its clever to wake the whole house up. Rolling out of bed and downstairs i could murder someone right now, i was enjoy my peace when i was woken up and banging noises, walking downstairs and into the kitchen only to find uncle Steven standing there with pots and pans in his hands and a innocent smile but he's far from innocent and he's about to see how much of a devil i can be.  Taking the pans away from uncle hands i place them on the encounter with an annoyed expression, I hope he woke everyone else up in his own house
"You can't be serious" i say annoyed as everyone else makes there way into the kitchen just as annoyed as me which isn't surprise as he banged them pretty hard, i have already turned the kettle on saving him from being killed from the grandparents
"Have you seen today's weather, i thinks its perfect for a family friendly completion" he replies and i could kill him he didn't need to wake everyone up just to let us know about the weather, could he not wait about an hour before crashing the house with banging noise, rolling my eyes i make everyone cup of tea, letting granddad sort uncle Steven out. I definitely have a crazy family as what family member would love to live next door to each other.

Me: family completion... you in?
Katie: definitely give me a hour

Smiling to myself i have Katie joining in evening it out a little better as Katie parents will be the judges with my grandparents making the completion a little more even as I'm positive my grandparents will play favourites if they thought they could get away with it. Heading upstairs to changed and plaid my hair I'm looking forward to the family completion, i haven't seen hayden or uncle Steven surf in a while so they both falling if going to be great to watch, call it karma for laughing at me every time i fell. I'm not sure how long its been but everyone is sat in the kitchen going over the rules while grandma plays with a camera, i knew she want to record the whole thing as its been a while since we have done anything like this as a family and doubt we be doing it again once the completion is over. I'm not sure what auntie Sarah or uncle jason have in mind after so ill definitely miss them but I'll forever be thankful for having them both here and aunt Sarah kids. Looking at the table there four piles of paper and pens sitting there, this is going to be ruthless but fun at the same time. It doesn't take Katie and her parents long to reach our house and before I know it everyone is in the ocean on surf boards waiting for the waves to appear. I haven't surfed side by side with Katie in a while but it's exciting seeing her in the water instead on a skateboard and I hoping she doesn't convince me to get on one of those either, there a death trap waiting to happen.

As the first wave comes hayden, Katie, Steven and aunt Sarah race to get it while myself, Darren and uncle jason wait watching them and as I turn to face uncle jason he gives me a wink. I'm not sure how many times he has told me about not touching the first wave but I listen and now I'm watching my other uncle Steven ride the wave with a smile, i haven't seen him this carefree however I'm enjoying it. As uncle Steven finishes his ride we all look to the judges waiting for them to hold his score up but a smile creeps on my face when I see the number five on my grandparent face that I can't help but burst out laughing
"Not bad old man" i shout earning a laugh from everyone but he rolls his eyes as he heads back over to us whom still laughing at him. Wave by wave we all managed to grab a couple of waves each, I'm not sure how long we been out in the water but not complaining, only if it was always like this. Sitting on the board I spot a wave coming and i start paddling, I'm in a race with my uncle and the guy I like but I managed to get the drop on both of them. As I ride the wave i let my finger tips hit the water splashing a little in my face by accident but who doesn't, finishing the ride i jump off backwards in the ocean with a smile before looking over to the judges with a smile but it only widens when I spot not three but four ten's in the air, i can definitely say I won this without breaking a sweat
"Favouritism" uncle jason yells paddling over to me with his arms which only takes him a couple of seconds and when he does reach me he starts splashing g water at me
"Not favouritism but just the best" I goat laughing but everyone else has other ideas as they start splashing me once again but I'm too busy enjoying my little win over my family.

Getting out the water we all head inside with smiles on our faces knowing we all had fun and let ourselves breath, it's been a while since we have been a normal family enjoying each other company and it hasn't finished. Grandad has already got us all excited over a movie and take out, Katie has borrow a set of mu clothes while her parents take the love seat in the front room, her parents have always been my family since I was a child and it will never change, my grandparents have told them there welcome whenever, my grandma knows how important they are to me and how important they was to my parents however Katie parents won everyone over the day they all first met when myself and Katie was a child. Throwing on a pair of shorts and jumper i head downstairs in the other love seat only for Darren to sit with me wrapping his arm round me, I don't want to question the relationship between us as it's perfect the way it is and I'm fine not knowing if we are or not a couple. Smiling towards myself everyone else takes there seat wrapping blankets around us all, grandad has already order take out, looking around the room I can't appreciate how much I love everyone, this is family.

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