Good news

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Charlotte pov

Listening to music on my way back home I can't help but smile as I am proud of those two punches I did, one was a nose breaker and the other was a knock out. As I bring my head from looking out the car, I notice the ride is silent, so I decide to stick my earphones in and ignored everyone. I didn't want to speak or answer any questions, I'm sure everyone heard what happened anyway. As the car pull up on the drive way, I notice there's 2 people stood outside our house looking about Hayden age I'm pretty sure it's my cousin mate and his girlfriend he was talking about this on the way to school this morning. With me being in no mood to talk, I walk straight pass them into my bedroom, still listening to music as I don't want to answer them when they ask why I strike another person which clearly she had coming. 

"Hey, though you was coming later?" Hayden says to his mate Darren who made the journey up this morning, Hayden starts walking over to him giving him a man hug as he's happy his friends down for a while. 

"We got here a little earlier then expected. What's up with your cousin? Though she was in school" Darren says to Hayden, a little confused as it's still early for school to be out but Hayden just laughs thinking back to his cousin punching another student and wishes he got that on video. 

"That's fine, she got excluded for knocking someone out" Hayden says laughing walking inside the house with the two of them following, he wants to show them around before the house starts to get packed again with his brothers and the rest of the family. 

"Charlotte, can I come in?" I hear Hayden ask, I wanted to ignore him but he knows me too well and I get off my bed and stand at the bottom of my bed waiting for him to walk in knowing if he's given the chance he will jump on me like he did this morning and I am in no mood for that energy or anything right now. 

"Sure, you would have walked in anyway" I say, taking my jumper off as I only just notice I have blood on it, as I take my jumper off I see more then 2 legs walk in and everyone else is at school so that only leaves his friend. Throwing my jumper on the bed I look up to see his friend and the girlfriend in my room looking at me.  

"Lottie, I like to introduce my friend Darren and his girlfriend Lacey" Hayden says to me, I look at the boy then the girl, and then back To Hayden, waiting for him to explain a little more as too why they are in my room as clearly when I walked passed them I was in no mood to socialise with anyone right now however Hayden must think this is funny. 

"They are staying the week with us" Hayden says walking towards me with a smile, it's the play nice smile, he always gives me which he wouldn't have to give me if he waited till a little later to introduce us all or tomorrow would have been fine. I look in between them hoping they aren't sleeping next door to me. 

"Ok, I'm Charlotte. I hope you gave them a room on the other side, don't want to listen to them have sex" I say with no emotion, I look at the girl and she has the most annoying smirk on her face which I just want to smack but apparently I have to place nice which surely I can do for a week or longer if I drive them away. 

"Don't worry, we'll be quiet" the girl Macey says or was it Lacey, I look at my cousin as if he serious hoping he hurries up and kicks them out my room where I will be spending my week off catching on work or hiding from everyone 

"Ok macey" I say turning round looking for another jumper to put on. I only took one look at the girl to know she's one of those girls who are fake as it is written all over her face just like Linda. Reminds me so much of Linda, I'm glad she's only here for the week or I wouldn't of coped. I'll be losing brain cells with talking to her. 

"It's Lacey" she fires back to me but Hayden already pushing them out the room before I can respond with words as he knows me too well and I'll say something offending to them both which he doesn't want. I get a funny look from my cousin before he closes the door which just looks like my mother, she would give me the disapproval look if she didn't agree with me. 

It's only 4:45pm and grandma should be calling us down for dinner soon, I couldn't be anymore happier as I'm starving and I love her cooking, she's an angel in the kitchen too bad my parents didn't get her cooking skills. Sitting on my bed I don't want to explain what happened in school today all over again, so I hope grandad caught her up but I make sure I take down my earphones with me incase I may need them as I don't want to hear about anything I don't want to hear like how Lacey and Darren met. 

"Dinner is ready Lottie" I hear grandad shout up to me. I quickly make my way downstairs with my earphones still in, I don't fancy talking or greeting the two new people instead I sit in between the cousins Hayden and Oliver hoping they shield me from my grandma. I am only small so both my cousins shadow me making me hidden from the eye. 

Uncle sits next to Hayden with grandparents at the end so that leaves the seats in front of me for Darren and Lacey making me roll my eyes. Everyone talks with each other but I keep humming to my music as I'm actually enjoying the songs they are playing. Trying to ignore everyone as I'm not in the mood I make sure everyone can hear me humming but grandma doesn't understand and looks at me before starting a conversation, its a open questions which anyone can easily say I was in a fight which I hope they don't. 

"How was everyone day" grandma asks looking at uncle first. I lowered my music so I could listen to make sure that no one drops me into it 

"Nothing really, watched Lottie throw one hell of a punch, who ever taught her that, well done" uncle says laughing but gets cut short when Hayden kicks him, grandma looks at him funny not sure how to understand what uncle just said but she looks at me for tell her what he means which I don't want to do, well done uncle. 

"Charlotte, Care to explain" grandma says with a worried look, obviously grandad never mentioned it. I shake my head and play with my food. Everyone knows not to talk to me when I'm annoyed as it doesn't end well as I tend to snap at people. 

"I'll explain later hunny" grandad says to grandma giving me a weak smile, the dinner table goes silent, all you can hear is the forks hitting the plates, I'm still not hungry so I play with my food hoping I can be excused soon, I have snacks hidden in my room for later when I get hungry 

"Charlotte, we have good news to share" uncles says looking at me with my cousins smiling, I look at my cousins then my uncle, I don't respond, I just wait for them to continue. 

"We are moving down here, the house next to yours" uncles says, I jump up and give my uncle a hug, I always wanted them to be closer but honestly I didnt want them this close but beggars cant be chooses right. Still hugging my uncle I let go and hug my two cousins Hayden and Oliver needing them more then anything right now. 

"Tell me your being serious" I respond with a smile on my face, I can't stop smiling, its has only been my grandparents and me which is already hard on us all as I know raising me alone cant be easy since I lost my parents as I have been acting out a lot in the past couple of months. 

"I'm dead serious, maybe you could teach me that right hook" uncle says jokingly but I kick him in the leg but grandma gave us the eye, and we stop talking, after dinner I head to the backyard for a little piece of quiet as the house is full with my cousin and there friends, I just need time to myself to think about everything.

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