Proud of you

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Charlotte pov

Padding back to the beach i put my board under  my arm as i run to my family taking in the laughter, I'm glad they all here to witness the ride, i feel good about myself and the next round but a part of me is still missing my parents. I'm sure they are talking everyone ear off about me up there which isn't surprising as whenever they had the opportunity they would talk about me and how proud they was. Just thinking about the good times with my parents puts a smile on my face. Placing my surf board in the sand I hug my grandparents first wanting to thank them as I wouldn't have been able to do this if it wasn't for them pushing me 

"Thank you" I say loud enough hoping everyone heard, I can't begin to imagine what my parents would say to all the family for helping me, my mother would probably cry, she was an emotional women but I couldn't of wished for a better mother. Father on the other hand he probably kill my uncles for letting Darren to close to me, but I can't help but smile at that thoughts. All I have to do is think about all the memories and I'll be fine. Happy thoughts.

As the day races by I'm sat on the beach watching the sun go down, I don't know what to believe, I been told I could win the completion by everyone but the thing is I don't know if I can, it's different surfing with family then completing in front of hundreds however a part of me just wants to win for my parents letting them know I did this all for them but I have to win in the quarter finals and then the semi finals before actually tying to win in the finals. Running a hand over my face I think about all the good times I had surfing with my parents, I can't believe there not here anymore with me, I have to admit it wasn't easy for either me for my grandparents but I guess we made it work.

Still sitting alone watching the ocean I notice the sun almost gone down, paying attention to the ocean i don't notice Darren as he walks behind me and takes a seat with a smile, he places a jacket over my shoulders keeping me warm before we head in
"Your uncle Jason is proud of you, did you see the smile on his face" Darren says not taking his eyes from the ocean, remembering everyone face I could tell uncle Jason was the happiest as he trained me since I was baby along with both my parents
"I noticed. you couldn't miss it, or anyones" I respond finally turning around and looking at Darren, I'm finally noticing how attractive he is. I don't know why I'm only just finding it out probably because he came here with a girlfriend that has turned into a bitch, still looking at him Darren, he eventually turns around to meet my green eyes, I can't stop looking at his crystal blue ones, there similar to the ocean probably why i love them so much
"I'm proud of you also, you have come so far sapphire" there that nickname again, I'm curious why he calls me that but I guess curiously kills the car but before I can respond to his comment, his lips connect with mine and I find myself kissing him back with just as much desire.

Sitting by the ocean for another couple of minutes kissing Darren, however a cold gusts of wind pulls us away from each other and i have a sheepish smile plastered on my face, I honestly didn't want the kiss to end but as I'm about to say something Hayden comes out with a flash light, flashing it at us with a serious look
"Caught" I whisper to Darren before standing up and walking over to him with a smile leaving Darren with Hayden, I'm not sure how much my cousin seen but I'm not about to stick around to hear it. Kissing Hayden cheek I say a quick goodnight before running to the back door. I'm not about to have that conversation yet.

Darren pov

Finally standing up dusting myself off I'm trying to remain calm and collected but it's pretty hard when I have a raging boner trying to escape, I can't believe I finally kissed her red plum lips but I couldn't hold back anymore, I wanted to do that since I dumped my ex. Once I put eyes on Charlotte my heart started racing but I knew I couldn't do anything about it not when I was seeing someone but she's also my best friend little cousin meaning she's off limits.

Cooling myself down I finally walk over to Hayden who's still stood with a flash in his hand which is pointed at my face glad he couldn't see my boner sticking up slightly. Walking up to him I try to read his face but he's not giving anything anyway
"I surely don't have to give you the talk about dating my cousin" I hear him say but we aren't dating, I don't even know what is happening as we only just had our first kiss. Would I like to date his little cousin, definitely. Would I preferred to take her on a date before kissing her? Yes. Turning back to Hayden I think my face says everything
"I didn't mean for it to happen, but you can't help who you fall her" I say not realising what I just let slip however it's the truth, I have admired her from afar for so long that I didn't realise I was falling for her. She's strong, doesn't let anyone walk over her, has hope. Her personality was what I fell for not her looks
"Well good luck man as it's not me you have to convince, it's her uncles" he laughs pulling me along back to the house and trust me I know, her uncles are scary men.

Walking back in the house I can't help but think Lottie is next door with her grandparents, we are so close but also so far. Heading to the kitchen for a glass of water Hayden father Steven is stood in the kitchen and I'm positive you could see both me and Lottie from where he stood, oh shit.

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