Heart broken

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What has been a great day and evening I couldn't of been more happier to say I'm surrounded by love and family, it's been a bumpy road but I can finally say we are getting there together, well I'm getting there. I know now my parents aren't coming back and I have to move on even if it hurts but all I can do is remember the good times and think about my future knowing they be proud of me what ever i choice to do after school. Being the last ones awake I sit beside my aunt Sarah just watching the last bit of the romantic movie that I pick because I won the competition, the boys face dropped when i picked the note book but it was definitely worth it. Me and aunt Sarah aren't much different from each other both
"Shouldn't you be asleep missy"I hear aunt Sarah say kissing my forehead, she has been over protective with me and has always sent a text every week when my parents passed making sure I was ok and checking up on me which can be caring and over bearing but I love her anyway for reminding me she's there
"I should be but is that a hint that your tired and want to go bed" I laugh as she rolls her eyes at my comment, even though I have always been my uncles little girl, I have always had a place for my auntie when she could get me out the water which my parents dragged me out at times to visit her
"Come on you, us girls need our beauty sleep" Sarah winks at me getting too her two feet before holding her hands out to help me up to mine, she's been staying with us while her boys stay at uncle Steven, he tells her he doesn't mind but I know there driving him wild and bring those grey hair out on his full set of hair
"Speak for yourself" I say climbing up the stairs but if I don't get my sleep I'm moody in the morning and lash out on the first person I see, I'm stubborn when it comes to getting up sometimes. As my auntie kisses my forehead I walk in my bedroom when to collapse into a deep sleep once my head hits the pillow.


Finishing up my school work I finally talked my grandparents to me doing the last month or so of school at home, I thought they would of put up more of a fight but they didn't, I think they know that once I finish school and continue to surf maybe professionally that they don't see me as much but I'll never let that happy, if I learnt anything it's that family is important and make sure you let them know how much they mean to you as they can be gone before you know it.

Closing my laptop I throw on a pair of shorts and tank top deciding go on a run knowing it's a decent day for it, I have spent hours in the ocean and now it's time for some endurance training and what's better then jogging around town and then on the beach putting myself though some paces. Picking my earphones up from the kitchen counter I put them in my ears while grabbing a water bottle. It only takes a couple of seconds to get into a rhythm with my music playing in my ears, I haven't jogged in a while and I'm only noticing how peaceful it actually is. Reaching the town I stop at a corner grabbing a couple sips of water before I carry on but Darren and Lacey catch my eye, there together and pretty close. Dropping my hands to my side I witness they both lock lips with each other before Lacey smirks at me, did she see me all along and rubbing it in my face, before I know it I dropped my water bottle and tears running down my face, I though we had something special and different. It only takes Darren less then a minute to turn away and see me stood there in tears, I guess she won but what has she got that I haven't
"Lottie" Darren Calls out but I have already taken off running the way I came, how could he. Why does everyone leave me or move on.....

Running to the only place I know that no one will come I take the left instead of the right disappearing into a lot of trees and brush and before I can break out in tears and think about everything I could of done different, I collapsed in front of my parents grave stone, the one where they was buried while I was still fighting for my life, I wish I could of said goodbye. Falling onto my knees I place my forehead and hand on the grave stone finally letting all the built up tears out, I didn't know I didn't to cry till I been crying for a hour, I'm one hundred per cent my eyes are red and puffy but I don't care, wiping my eyes I say silent for a couple of minutes finally coming too but when I do my phone goes off like it's on fire, I don't hesitate but turn it on silent wanting some time alone
"Why couldn't I listen to you dad when you said no boys. I wish you was here to scare them all away" I say wiping a couple of tears that have escaped, I don't know what I was thinking letting someone new into my heart knowing it hasn't been fully recovered only for them to break it more then I could imagine
"Mom I need you cheering me up talking about how I'm too young to date" i really wish they was both here durning my first heart break, they would of known what to say during this and know how to cheer me up but instead I'm staring at there grave stone. Placing a hand on the grave stone I wipe the tears away
"I miss you"

Darren pov

Pacing back and forth I don't know what was running though my head when I bumped into Lacey, I knew I should of walked the other way instead of listening to what she had to say, I didn't think she stick around town, I thought she would of gone back home instead she tried to get back with me telling me how good we was together but all I can think about now is Lottie and how I hurt her. I been trying to get a hold of her for hours and it's dark outside. Her family have rang everyone for any news about where she could be and no one has seen her, I hate thinking the worse. When I told everyone that Lacey came onto me and kissed me but I pushed her away they was shocked but even more shocked when I told them Lottie seen it all, Hayden hasn't spoken to me since I told him what happened. Her uncle Steven and Jason has searched everywhere for her but can't find her. I'm starting to get worried, I knew I should of ran faster but I lost her.

Sitting on the back steps I hear the front door open and I'm straight onto my two feet running inside the grandparents house hoping to explain everything to Lottie only to see her wrapped in Katie dad arms asleep, I can see how red her eyes are from crying and it breaks me knowing I'm the one who caused it all, I already know I have a lot of rebuilding the trust we had not only with Lottie but with the family, Hayden did warm me about hurting her and that's what I done. Watching as Katie dad takes Lottie upstairs with there grandma I'm stood in the front room with Katie mother and the rest of the family
"Where was she?" Lottie grandad asked looking relief she's home and safe but what felt like forever Katie dad come downstairs with a pissed off expression on his face
"She was at her parents grave stone, she cried so much that she passed out, I have known Lottie since she was a child so hurting her your hurting us all" I knew that was directed at me but I don't need to be told, I already know what I done hurt her but it hurt me as well.

I explained myself again in front of everyone not missing a single best. If looks could kill I know I'll be six foot under with the way uncle Steven and Katie dad are looking at me but Katie look is a different one, not only does she was to put me six foot under but I'm sure she wants to feed my body to the sharks.
"I love her" I say running a hand though my hair, I didn't mean to tell her family how I felt before speaking to Lottie but I need them to know I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Walking away from the room I hear distant chatter before making it outside. It's the first time I have admit my feeling out loud but how can anyone not love Lottie, she's outspoken when she wants too, beautiful on the inside and out, the way she spends her time with her family making sure everyone involved, the life she has for her family and friends. But also I love the feisty side she has when someone say something about her or her family, it's sexy even when she tries to find it. I can't believe it took me this long to notice but I'm in love with Lottie..

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