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Charlotte pov

After my long shower on which I called dibs first I notice the time as it's getting late in the evening and we are all still in my grandad house talking about life and how well I did in the ocean today, some of us are in the front room listening to telly, we decided to order take out today as there is too many of us too cook for, I vote for Chinese and I believe I won. There is still some of the family talking about how I am back in the ocean while some would have hopped they got it on video but that moment I will always remember and I own it to Darren, my cousin friend as I don't think I would have done it without him. 

"News is on In a minute" Hayden shouts as everyone wanted to listen for some reason, one by one everyone makes there way into the front room, I have my little cousin sat on lap, waiting for the sports news as he loves listening about players which I don't mind as I love seeing the smile on his face. 

"On today sport news, we have had word that the pro surfer Jason jones has been spotted. Is he here to coach one of our upcoming talent for this year surfing competition? The first heat is next weekend, we look forward to see some of our top surfers competing and a chance to gain a spot in the next round" the lady starts speaking but stops for a second when she looks at the scene which has us all wondering whats going to be said next. 

"This just in we have a recent video of Charlotte Lockhart back on the board, take a look" I watched the video and it's me taking a hit by the wave and struggling to catch a wave which has me left wondering who taken the video and I love how they got me being crashed by a wave, I don't know why I am watching this as I know I have a lot to do to be where I was. 

"Charlotte hasn't rode a surf board since her parents death two years ago but our heart goes out to her and her family. It looks like she is really struggling to catch a wave, will she be completing in this year surfing competition, we will find out, other news" I didn't listen to the other news, I'm not even sure if I want to complete this year. I have zoned out and I can barely hear my uncle tell me that he will be there.

Now everyone seen me back on the board, they will want me to complete but I don't want to disappoint my parents by falling flat on my face, I can barely catch a wave as everyone as seen how am I going to complete. I walk in the kitchen to get a glass of water and some fresh air as I need to be away from the family for a second before they start asking questions, when Darren follows me, I have my back to him as a tear roll downs my cheek and I don't want anyone to see me cry. 

"Baby steps Little sapphire" Darren says to me, I hear the pet name it's cute but he should be using it on his girlfriend who I been ignoring lately. How do I surf without my parents cheering me on like the old days, I always searched them out and now that they wont be on the beech I will be over thinking. 

"Your parents are in here" he says pointing towards my heart, as if he read my mind, I look at him a little taken back, we sit there in silent which I appreciate, I don't like talking but I always like the company. That's before his girlfriend walks in and I walk out not before I hear her ask him what he doing talking to me. I try not to overhear anything else she says as the conversation sounded private. 

Next day, moving day. I'm helping my uncle move next door. I'm excited as now I can jump on Hayden like he did to me but I also can't believe how much shit they actually have, I'm just happy they wont take my food but they probably be over here all the time anyway. I'm stood in the kitchen with my uncle Steven and Darren girlfriend while the boys fight over the rooms, everyone wants the biggest one but we all know Steven will get it. I'm helping unpack the kitchen tools, placing them in the draws when uncle go and gets the boys to help with the other boxes but I think he's only gone upstairs for the bedroom 

"What's happening with you and my boyfriend" Darren girlfriend says, what was her name. I look at her with a funny look a little confused wondering what she means as we have only spoke a couple of times, that time in the kitchen and when he was helping me on the ocean, he was calming me down. 

"Absolutely nothing, he's just helping me with personal stuff" I say, putting the knives in the draws, I can tell she's going to be trouble, I don't know why Hayden invite both Darren and his girlfriend if she's only going to causes drama as no one needs it especially this family. 

"Helping you with surfing? I don't know why, your not even that good, my cousin said you just a washed up surfer" Lacey says laughing, I always knew she was a bitch, now my point is proven. I can't wait for her to show her true colours in front of everyone but what took me by surprised was when she said cousin, so she must be related to Linda. 

"Wow, is little miss perfect insecure" I say, turning round to face her, I knew she didn't like me as it was written on her face but for her to pick a fight in my uncle house is unappreciated, we all welcomed her in the house when she and her boyfriend was staying for a week. I want to leave but I also want to see where this is heading. 

"Linda was right about you, your absolutely nothing but a spoiled little brat who has daddy issue, what a shame you killed your parents" Lacey says with a grin on her face, she's Linda cousin, I want to go over there and punch her but she's Darren girlfriend and I respect him for helping me so she should count herself lucky as I'm not that mean but I really want to knock her out a this would be two for two. 

"I'm spoiled, that's rich coming from you, I worked my arse off to be a semi pro surfer, I had nothing handed to me. I blame myself for my parents death everyday, I don't need bullies like you reminding me" I shout at her, stepping a little closer to her, judging me from what her cousin says about me, i haven't punched her because I don't want to upset my cousin.

I'm holding back my anger but I can't, she has a grin on her face, I don't know how long I can keep the peace if she keeps bring my parents into the argument, it seems like everyone likes to do it because they can't bring me down by my surfing but has she seen the video its not like I was like I used too. 

"Your nothing but a bully" I say to her, but she doesn't respond with words, instead she slaps me, I can feel my cheek fire up, she looks at me like she won but I punch her, knocking her down a peg, we end up in a full out fight and I feel someone arms around my body, pulling me back. I'm kicking my legs to be let free knowing this isn't over between the two of us. 

"Don't you ever, I mean ever talk about my parents like that ever again bitch" I spit at her who's been holding back by Darren and release myself from Hayden grip and walk out the back door pissed at everyone. I just need to be left alone right now. 

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