🍰 | i don't date (jinhongseok)

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ship: jinhongseok
side ship: yuki

i wrote this for a pentagon fanfic secret santa last december!

i don't often write jinhongseok but enjoy :)

(i write so much yuki sue me but this person specifically wanted yuki and jinhongseok so personally i delivered.)

"Please~" again, the shrill, whiny sound of Hyunggu disturbs Hongseok's formerly peaceful atmosphere. It's about the seventh time that Hyunggu's begged his hyung to attend a concert with him. Hongseok doesn't know if he can take it anymore.

"I don't know Hyunggu..." is the hesitant response.

"C'mon hyung!" Hyunggu almost wails. A hint of a cute, babyish neediness is in his desperate tone, in attempts to cajole his stubborn friend into compliance.

"Hyunggu I told you have plans already," Hongseok grumbles.

"Doing what? Studying? Going to the gym? Drinking coffee?"

"No! I have a shift tomorrow" Hongseok huffs. He isn't in a particularly great mood, his job is pretty dull. He works part time as a teacher's assistant and his boss had asked him to come in to do some extra work. Hongseok sighs, "Why do you want me to go so much anyway? I go with you to concerts all the time..."

"Becaaause~" Hyunggu sings, a shy smile spread against his lips as he's reminded of his fondness. "My boyfriend's playing."

"Your 'hot, mysterious man' boyfriend?"

"Yeah, you need to meet him!" Hyunggu says, grinning, "I want you to meet him, just...please come. You'll really like the music, and we're getting good seats, like, insanely good for free!"

"We're only getting good seats because you're sleeping with the guitarist–"

"SHH!" Hyunggu exclaims, "don't say that! Ah! You're just jealous you aren't dating anyone..."

"I'm dating myself for my own sanity, shush," Hongseok mutters bitterly. "And I don't date. You know this."

"I know..." Hyunggu murmurs, "but, can you come? Please? For me?" He pouts, staring up at Hongseok with big, pleading eyes.

Seriously, this kid will be the death of me.

"Aish... fine Hyunggu, but if I get fired from my job, it's your fault."

The seats are good; Hongseok finds himself and Hyunggu in the best section of the audience, right near the band members' close friends and family.

"What's this band called again?" Hongseok inquires loudly over the deafening pre-show music.

"Mu$h," is Hyunggu's reply, but he seems distracted. He's staring down at the stage, anxiously awaiting his boyfriend's appearance.

"Are you thinking about him?" Hongseok asks, already knowing what Hyunggu's response will be.

"Of course," Hyunggu says, a loving smile plastered on his face as he's reminded of his boyfriend, "I always am. When you're in love with someone, they're on your mind a lot."

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