🍯 | hui's wedding

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even if u don't read this, answer this question so i know how this should end 😍
who do u ship hui with? (or u can read this part and decide who he should end up with afterward)

Hui was so excited to get married. He had planned out his whole wedding, gotten all his friends together, was marrying his best friend in the whole world... until his fiancé ditched him at the very last minute.

"What the heck?!" Hui yells.

"I'm sorry hyung," Yuto, one of his groomsmen says to him. He looks really awkward, partially because of the bad news he delivered, and mostly because he didn't follow the groomsmen dress code, wore all black, and on the way to tell Hui the news someone had asked Yuto what funeral he was attending.

Hui buries his face in his hands before groaning and making a bunch of really unsettling sounds, like he was crying but laughing but screaming.
Suddenly he looked up at Yuto with this pained grin, "Yuto! I thought you were the nice maknae! Why are you pranking me like this on my wedding day!!?"

"I'm not pranking you; why would I do that-"

"How much did Shinwon pay you?!" Hui exclaims, through tears. It is weird because he still has this giant smile on his face. He was clenching his teeth so tightly it is terrifying.

 He was clenching his teeth so tightly it is terrifying

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"He didn't-"

"Yuto, save me," Hui suddenly says, his hands grasping the boy's suit jacket. "The humiliation, christ!" He rips open Yuto's jacket and buries his head into the boy's chest.

"What the fu-"

"Marry me instead," the boy mumbles into Yuto's shirt.

"What-Hyung, I can't do that-"

"Please, oh my gosh please, this would solve all my problems! We'd be such a cool couple! Hyunggu says you'd be a good husband too!"

"Yeah, um, probably because Hyunggu is actually dating me, so-"

"Do you have anything to change into? Oh!! Wear Hyojong's tux!" Hui starts to run around the room, rifling through the closets for anything that wasn't Yuto's ugly funeral outfit.

"Hyung," Yuto calls out, his voice gentle but wary. Like he was a parent calling out for his child that was running around with scissors; he didn't want to scare Hui by yelling at him but he also didn't want Hui to accidentally stab himself. Hui takes out a suit that looks about six times too small for Yuto and holds it up against the younger boy's body. Yuto clears his throat before saying, "I'm pretty sure that wouldn't fit me-"

"You're telling me I have to marry someone who fits this?!" Hui yells hysterically, "I have to marry Hyunggu? Changgu? Jinho-hyung !?" he looks more distraught about this than his own fiancé ditching the wedding. He's literally in tears over the thought of having to exchange vows with one of them. Sickening.

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