🍯 | penta-school (pt 3)

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Yanan POV

Tears of emotion streaming from my eyes, my heart throbbing in my chest, legs taking me as fast as I could away from here.

I've been revealed! Well, almost. But he'll figure out soon! God, why is this so difficult! If only real Changgu would have stayed wherever he was before!

Whatever, I'm going to my class. Hopefully the teacher doesn't know about the real Changgu's return; that would not be good.

I'm late so I sneak into class quietly, taking a seat in the back of the classroom. About ten seconds in I realize i'm in the wrong class. Wrong class level, actually. Whoops. I know a few kids in this grade so I try to scout one out; I finally find this kid, Hyunggu.

He's an interesting boy, that one. His emotions are kind of all over the place. He always vents about stupid things to me like I'm his therapist or something. In all honesty, he has the IQ of a piece of cardboard and acts like a toddler... or a newborn baby. Really. I'm not lying.

"Hi hyungie~" he says all cutely because he's just the cutest baby boy in the world!1!1 False. i am the cutest in the world. That kid tries to pull all this aegyo on me and yes, that makes most people get all soft; but since I am adorable already, it doesn't work on me.

"Hello," I reply, only half-paying attention to him as I pull out my books. Not that I can do anything with them. I'm in the wrong class, remember? We don't talk for a few moments as he is listening to the lecture and I am plotting ways to silence him in my head. That child is freaking loud most the time.

Hyunggu looks kind of bored so I tell him a joke. Boy, did he get a kick outta that. Two syllables in and he was already laughing his head off. I swear I don't get this kid. I could literally be midway through a joke, stop telling it and Hyunggu would still be on the floor dying. He has a cute laugh though. I guess that saved him.

"Hey, what do you call a–"

"H-hy-hyung hahaha!" Hyunggu giggles as he slowly collapses onto the floor laughing so hard I can't even hear noise coming out of his mouth.

"–I didn't even finis–"

He's still dying, just lying there, holding his stomach and wheezing. Finally he gets back into his seat, still laughing and then he clings to me and starts tugging my arm. I don't understand that either. Yuto, my boyfriend, does the same thing. Whenever he thinks something is funny he hugs me and starts like beating up my arm. Why?

Before the kid can rip my arm from its socket, I tell him that Yuto is looking at us. That shut him up. I think he's scared of him. Jokes on him, Yuto isn't even in this class. But Hyunggu won't notice, he's too scared to look and see if I'm lying or not.

"Changgu-ah," the teacher calls, "drop down a grade level?"

"N-no sir."

He chuckles. "Please leave."

I mumble apologies and bow my head as I gather all my stuff. I send a brief goodbye to Hyunggu before I leave the classroom.

Wooseok's POV

I was planning on skipping my first class and I did. No offends, but English class, really? I can just have Hongseok hyung talk for me or something; why memorize a whole goddamn language?

Anyways, I'm going to meet up with Shinwon hyung and go to a movie or something. He'll probably choose it. He always does. Shinwon is that friend. Whatever, I honestly don't know how I put up with him all the time.

I'm walking down the hall when suddenly I see Changgu hyung! Not the "have-you-eaten" was-just-on-vacation Changgu, but the tall, identity-theft Changgu. I really wasn't expecting that. Tall Changgu is a stickler for the rules it seems. A goodie boy skipping classes? Crazy stuff. About as likely as Hyunggu going a single day without crying over boys.

"Hyung!" I call. He turns around and just stares at me silently, his eyes big. Not a "hello" back or anything, just puppy eyes. It's cute but inconvenient if you want to have a conversation with him. The eyes will say the same thing every time: "I am a cute boy with cute eyes now satisfy my needs."

But I'm not going to lie, I like tall Changgu. He's pretty and has a nice personality. That's hard to find, I mean, look at Shinwon. He's attractive and all but his personality? Yikes.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask as I approach the tall boy.

"I went to the wrong class," he mumbles, "they kicked me out."


He doesn't say anything, just stares in front of him again.

"Well, Shinwon hyung and I are seeing a movie, wanna come?"

"Not really but okay."

He gets up and we start walking together. Tall Changgu is actually around my height which is rare, for me at least. He's an inch shorter though so I'm still the giant of the school (hah, he wishes!!). He's quiet when he walks, I notice, but he's honestly quiet all the time. He's shy- and i mean, that's cool I think. He probably has all this wonderful stuff stored up in his brain but the rogue family members scarred him so he'd never share it. That sucks. I wish he could talk to me. He probably talks to his boyfriend Yuto. Ew.

"What's your real name?" I suddenly ask.

He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it. He looks a little uncomfortable so I don't push it. That's what she said. But really, seeing tall Changgu sad makes me sad.

"It's ok, I was just thinking like.. what do we call each of you?" I say, "it's so confusing.."

"U-um," he mutters, "Changgu one and two? Wait–no- Chang one–no...Yeo one! And Yeo two."

"Oh erm, ok," I nod, "sooo what are you, Yeo two?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Yeo two mutters.


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