🍰 | love notes (yuki)

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yuto x kino
- one-shot / short story
- student!au
yuto was always too scared to approach hyunggu, so he writes him love letters.

Yuto is distracted again. By none other than what? The teacher's lecture, the distant noise from a student's pair of earbuds, the clock ticking closer to the class's dismissal... no, it's the cute, bright-eyed boy who sat beside him. Hyunggu. Who is smiling and slightly swaying his head back and forth. It's like he is listening to a melody only he could hear, off in his own little world that Yuto yearns to be a part of.

They have been sitting together for a few months, neither of them have any other friends in the class so they were kind of forced to be partners. It is surely a blessing though, because the two definitely get along with each other despite being in two completely different social groups. They work well together and Yuto enjoys Hyunggu's company... a lot.

Hyunggu is just so adorable. Yuto can't keep his eyes off of him. He couldn't understand how someone as cute as Hyunggu could exist, let alone be in his class and sit right next to him.

Who wants to listen to the professor drone on and on when you have a pretty boy like Kang Hyunggu being so irresistibly cute next to you!?

"What did she say, Yuto-ah?" Hyunggu yawns, "I was daydreaming.."

"Project," Yuto replies. He wasn't paying attention either, but he assumes so considering that's what she wrote on the board. "I think the assignment will be explained more tomorrow.. but it's due in a week."

"Oh... partners?" Hyunggu asks, smiling innocently.

"I already wrote down your name," Yuto says, chuckling and pointing to the sheet that read Adachi Yuto & Kang Hyunggu in dark, neat handwriting.

He giggles and taps his pen against Yuto's arm. "Nice..."


After class Yuto is thinking about Hyunggu again. He wants to do something. But he isn't exactly sure what.

It isn't that Yuto is flustered or panicked by Hyunggu—he isn't that expressive—but he felt terribly particular. He wants nothing but the perfect moment, the perfect timing, the perfect boy. For someone as flawless as Hyunggu, as beautiful, he deserved nothing but that perfection, Yuto felt.

And Yuto needs time. He still needs to figure things out; what exactly he wanted, what exactly Hyunggu is to him besides, "cute-pretty-charming-friend-that sits next to me in class". So he figures maybe he should just write it all down instead of acting out on it. Soon the scraps of paper ridden with his hopeful words developed into real letters, something he is actually somewhat willing to give away.

Hyunggu could really be his... The more he thinks about it, the more restless he becomes.

That's why Yuto is standing here, in front of Hyunggu's locker, grasping an envelope he had just lovingly bundled up with his own feelings of affection. Well.. not quite. Not yet at least. This one is merely an introduction of sorts; a letter saying "hi, someone's interested in you!". Simple, but Yuto thinks that a wordy, lovesick letter is much too soon.

Releasing a soft sigh, the tall boy slips his envelope into the slot of Hyunggu's locker before retreating to his car outside.

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