🍯 | penta-school (pt 5)

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Yanan's POV

It's not that I don't like movies, or Wooseok for that matter, it's that I literally cannot stand Shinwon. He keeps flirting with me. Take a hint?? and get your own boyfriend?? I hope Yuto will kick his ass for that one day. I'd pay to see that. I'd laugh my way back to China, get slaughtered by my rogue family members, and it would still be worth it. (Ok, I sound like a total asshole but I really don't like him, I swear.)

"He's picking us up," says Wooseok as he puts away his cell phone and peers down the street to see if Shinwon is approaching. Minutes later his stupid little silver car comes rolling down the street and we get in. Of course, they force me to take the back seat. At least it's the safest place in the car. If Shinwon crashes his vehicle because of his reckless driving I'll be most likely to live.

"Hey dudes," Shinwon says, glancing at me through the car mirror with his pretty, coffee-colored, sparkling eyes. Gross.

"Hi," Wooseok replies. I say nothing. I don't respect Shinwon enough to reply. He lets out this really attractive chuckle and runs his hand through his silky, chocolate hair before turning back to me.

"Hello Changgu, how's life, pretty thing?" he asks all cheesy-like.

"No." God he's so annoying. Can he not?

Shine on POV

Woah I get a pov!1!??!1 I feel real important now. What am I supposed to talk about? Wooseokie? Changgu?

Oh... ok so the reason I tease Changgu is because he's cute. He gets all flustered and that's just adorable. (Just to be clear–we're talking about tall Changgu, NOT have-you-eaten Changgu. Have-you-eaten Changgu needs some serious help. Whenever you mention anything romance related to him he tears up and looks like he's struggling to form sentences. Is he ok? Is being single for your whole life really that bad?)

Anyways I'm not that much of a scumbag. Maybe a little.. but I wouldn't like–make physical contact with tall Changgu. His boyfriend is the singular scariest bitch i've ever seen. What is he?? A werewolf?? A vampire?? A shark?? Like what the hell?? He could probably kill me.

Would I date tall Changgu? Yeah. Would he date me? Yeah. He acts like he hates me but we all know the truth...

Yanan's POV

"Ah ah hyung, Changgu has a new name now, we just decided," Wooseok says.

"Hm? What are they?"

"Yeo one and Yeo two. Yeo one is have-you-eaten Changgu and Yeo two is tall Changgu."

"Why can't Changgu just tell us his real name, obviously it's not actually Yeo Changgu," Shinwon says in a lowkey exasperated way. What a b****. Why are they talking like i'm not in the car, able to listen to their whole conversation?

"I will never tell you my real name," I say, absolutely done with Shinwon's handsome, extremely annoying, hot face.

"You don't have to," Shinwon says, "I'll give you one. Bab–"

"by-lonia! Babylonia." Wooseok interrupts. "That ancient civilization in Mesopotamia."

Shinwon glances at him with a weird expression. "What are you talking about–"

"Hyung is taken remember?!" Wooseok says all frantically. "You shouldn't like–do that haha.."

Now it's my turn to look at Wooseok strangely. He seems tense. Wonder why.

Shinwon rolls his eyes. "Listen, Babylonia, get my wallet in the back will ya? We're almost there."

"You're seriously calling me that?!"

"Yeah! Whatever, just get me the wallet."

"No–I'm not going to."

"You little shhhh–" Shinwon turns around, still driving, and begins to fish around through the garbage in the back seat of his car.

"Hyung!" Wooseok shouts, "what the hell are you doing!?! We're going to crash!"

Shinwon screams, "Shhhh–shut u–!"


The car hit something and Shinwon's entire hot body falls back and crushes me. That's why you wear seat-belts kids.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Wooseok yells.

"Owww~" Shinwon moans, not in any way concerned about the thing or person he just slammed with his car.

Looking over Shinwon's silken, voluminous hair and though the windshield, I see a giant figure on the street, obviously having been impacted by the car. Immediately my heart stops. I know this guy. Dark hair, tan skin, stupid emo outfit... it's Yuto, my boyfriend.

He's not hurt badly, thank god, but he seems lowkey pissed off as he's struggling to get up

Wooseok takes one look at him and yells "OH SHIT! DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY!".

"WHAT WHY?!" Shinwon shrieks, still stuffed in the back seat and unable to see Yuto.


"OH ABSNDJAJZSL!!!!" Shinwon scrambles to get to the driver's seat

I've come up with this thing called the "Adachiphobia Agenda". It's an agenda that "EVERY SINGLE BEING HAS SOME KIND OF FEAR OF ADACHI YUTO." Psh, what a bunch of losers. I'm DATING him.

"Guys! shhh–I'll talk to him–"

Yuto's fully standing now,  trying to see who was driving the car, and Wooseok and Shinwon lose it.



Shinwon screams something at the top of his lungs and backs his car up to go forward again.

"DON'T HIT HIM AGAIN WHAT THE F–!" I yell as Shinwon completely misses Yuto's body, loses control of his car, and drives straight into a building.

I'm not kidding. Shinwon literally crashed his car,, into a building.

"KO SHINWON!!!!!!"

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