🍯 | penta-school (pt 2)

394 11 15

(This story took a strange turn hahah)

Yanan POV

Hello, my name is Yeo Changgu!

Yes, you may be thinking: Changgu as in Yeo Changgu that kid that constantly says "have you eaten?". In that case, I don't know who you're talking about.

Truth is, I am actually from China. My name is Yanan. I fled the country and now I'm in Korea for the time being. When I arrived in Korea I saw that some kid named Yeo Changgu was currently away on a long vacation. So I sort of stole his identity for a little bit. No matter! It's in good health.

I just hope he doesn't come back soon!


Who is Yutno? I must know!

I try to come up with all possible people he could be... no one! I barely know anything about him too! All I know is he has a good love life; can't relate hahaha!

Yanan POV

Oh right. I also got a strong, intimidating boyfriend to protect me against my Chinese family members that have gone rogue.



I got Wooseok some strawberry cake. He looks happy while eating it, so I am content! Shinwon is still working but checks on us time to time. That nosy dimwit; he's going to get himself fired!

I've tried time and time again to get information out of Wooseok. He won't budge. Whenever I ask Shinwon, before he can get out a word Wooseok grabs him and threatens to throw him across the room. Ooh, kinky. JUST KIDDING!

It's time to go to class. I say goodbye to Wooseok; since he is in a younger grade than me I won't see him for a while. I'm sure I'll run into my other friends as I keep walking.

Sure enough, my best friend Hongseok is here!

"Honggie!!" I cry out, waving and smiling in utter happiness to see him. I missed him!

He looks at me and he spits out the juice he's drinking; it's spilling down his lips. He stammers "C-ch-Changgu?! What are you doing here?!"

"I'm back at school, silly!" I laugh and ruffle his hair. That was a mistake. Now my hands are sticky from the juice. (How did it even get there??!)

"O-oh," Hongseok stutters. He seems awfully worried. I wonder why.

"Hong, question for you," I say as I begin walking to class. He looks around before hesitantly following me.


"Do you know who Yutno is? Or Yut? Wooseokie and Shinwon were talking about some new friend or someone-I'm curious! Is he in our class?"

Hongseok looks at me like I'm from another planet. "You mean Yuto?"

"Ugh, no," I shake my head, "someone else... someone who's dating someone."

"But Yuto is dating someone...?"

"My doNGSAENG GOT A DATE BEFORE ME?!" I scream. My worst nightmare has come true! My eyes start watering, my arms weaken, knees buckling, the world becoming a blur. Pathetic, that's what I feel. Athletic, that's what Hongseok feels. Ugh.

"Yeah... umm...!" Hongseok changes the subject, "how was your trip!"

"Worthless. Everything. No one will date a worthless, miserable Yeo Changgu," I groan, my heart empty.

"Shut up! Changgu you're beautiful, dude! And you're still in high school! You've got plenty of time! Look at yourself, you're so handsome, with a good personality, and honestly like your teeth! Total hottie! You're so sexy bro!"

"Thanks bro," I say, wiping away my tears. My bestie always knows how to make me feel better. I love Hongseok.

"Let's go to class now."

Yanan POV

I'm walking to my next class when I see Hongseok, my friend who speaks Chinese. He sees me and his eyes perk up but then this other boy starts waving to him. Hongseok's face becomes one of horror, staring back and forth at me then him then me then him. He even has juice he was drinking running down his chin. Why? Who is this person waving? Does Hongseok not know how to swallow?

I am about to approach them until Hongseok looks me dead in the eye and screams "Ch-Changgu?! What are you doing here!?" gesturing to the boy.


He has come back?! Oh no, oh no, oh no. I can't go back to China! Not now! Not with the rogue family members!

I'm screwed!



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