🍯 | penta-school (pt 4)

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Yeo's POV

First class and I got a few strange looks today! Do I really smell that bad? Shinwon always says I smell like rotten cabbage. Well, at least I don't look like a rotten cabbage; (Wooseok's green hair phase from last year can't relate.)

It's either that or i've grown noticeably handsome. Or noticeably ugly. One of the two. I never know. I did get a bit taller during my trip and my hair grew out too. Hongseok says I look "irresistibly cute" and "sexy as hell" but he's my best friend and best friends always tell you stuff like that.

Anyways, my friends have been acting awfully weird. That episode I had with Hongseok and his juice problem definitely being the strangest. I'm pretty sure he knows how to swallow haha. It only got weirder when someone asked me who I was. HA! You're kidding me right? A month or so and people already forget what you look like? Anyways, I'm like "I'm Yeo Changgu, silly hahaha!" then they looked at me like I was insane or something. What is that? I've gone to school with this kid for 4 years, smh.

I'm going to second class now, which is probably my favorite. The teacher is Mr. Jo Jinho, who was actually my friend before he graduated. He's still in university but I think he does it online or something. Can you imagine that? A robot teacher?

Jinho Hyung is pretty cool I think; for one thing, he's shorter than me, which is hilarious. He's even shorter than Hyunggu and Hui Hyung. That's... just adorable. When I was in my first-year of secondary school and he was in his last-year, we used to always sing together. Sometimes we'd sing with Hui Hyung, but he'd always start singing "I believe I can fly". It's good the first time, but seventy-three times later you really just want to tell him that he is being ridiculous and obviously can't fly.

I decide go to his class early; I just feel like catching up a little you know? Luckily he's there, shuffling through papers or something.

"Changgu-ah, you're back!" Jinho hyung greets. I should call him Mr. Jo, you know, all formal like that, but he's not a real teacher so I don't really care. He's like a half-teacher, since he barely has a degree and he's teaching us stuff like life lessons or some bs.

"Hello hyung!" I say, giving the tiny dude a hug.

"We missed your positive attitude here," he says, "We really did. Everyone else was such a drag–Oh! And there was a transfer student too! He has the same name as you, weird right?"

Huh, how strange. I wrinkle my nose "Super weird." No one's ever had my name before. The only time anything like that happened was when Wooseok started calling Hyunggu "Gu". Hongseok had already been calling me the same thing on occasion. It became this big mess. In the end we all decided that me and Hyunggu could never be in the same room again. That worked. I haven't seen him in person for 2 years. We text and call all the time though.

"Well he's a sweet boy, I'm sure you'll see him at some point today..." Jinho hyung says, before pulling out a folder and handing it to me.

"What's this?"

"Registration form. For school. Make sure you get it signed soon or you'll be kicked out."

"What?!" I scream, "kicked out?! I've been abroad for weeks; aren't they aware?"

"There's been a mix up, apparently you came when you weren't supposed to be here so the authorization of your absence isn't exactly valid."

What the hell does that even mean..??? Those giant words?? That's terrifying!

"Listen, i'm not even supposed to be giving this form to you since they're highly exclusive but, you know, I'm here for you Changgu. Now get a lawyer."

"What?!" I exclaim, "a lawyer?!" I grab the file and start rifling through the pages. "It's that serious?!"

"I mean–probably not, but you might wanna talk to the school board before any of the monitors see you. They'll think you're an outsider."

This is so irritating! We had such nice weather today and now it feels like sadness and gloom. I hate that. I groan. "How did this even happen in the first place! I didn't even come to school on that one day! I was still on the plane!"

"Huh... that's weird," Jinho says. He takes out his laptop and types in some weird teacher website link. He pulls up the attendance record before reading it and frowning. "Wait a minute... it says you haven't missed a day of school."

"What?! How?! I've been gone forever!" I'm so confused, like, this situation is more complicated than Hui and Hyojong's relationship???

"Wait a second... maybe they mixed you up with the new Yeo Changgu," Jinho mutters, typing in a few more words. For a second he just stares at the screen with this extremely disturbed expression. The same expression Wooseok gives Shinwon when he does literally anything.

"Uh, Changgu.." he says all warily. "There isn't another Yeo Changgu."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"...they didn't create another student..uh.. file or profile or whatever when the other Yeo Changgu came to class.. I think the school board thought he was you."

At this point, I am going to scream my lungs off. I don't though, because Jinho hyung would scold me about damaging my vocal chords. Honestly I don't feel like screaming out of anger, however, I do feel like doing it out of confusion. I'm supposed to be the smart one?? And this is killing me?!

"What are we supposed to do?!" I start crying. Instead of comforting me, hyung just stares at me with this awkward/slightly annoyed expression like, 'bich, why are you crying'.

"Let's just talk to the school board," He suggests, awkwardly petting my hair. Since he's short as hell he literally has to stand on a stool to reach my head.

"Don't cry," he says with the least-sympathetic tone I've heard in my life.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I say, crying harder. If I want to cry, I will cry! I've cried about six times already today! Gosh, this wonderful day turned out to really suck.

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