🍰 | bwcw (shinyan)

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shinyan au

shinwon works at an EXO cafe and yanan happens to be an EXO-L

(since irl—shinwon used to work at BWCW and yanan is an exo-l)

BWCW: "boy who cried wolf" a reference to EXO's song "wolf" (chogiwa) it was a cafe dedicated to exo and was around in 2013-ish. shinwon actually worked at this cafe before becoming a pentagon member!!


"God the line for coffee is outlandishly long today," says Jinho to Shinwon, his coworker. Shinwon nods involuntarily, half-listening. The line is long, spiraling outside the BWCW coffee shop and gaining even more customers with every passing second. Their co-worker Hongseok isn't there today so Shinwon and Jinho are in charge of taking care of this fiasco.

As Shinwon is pouring his customer's black coffee, Jinho directs him to the sink and says, "please, I know you'll spill it at some point so please just do it over a drain." Shinwon just scoffs in amusement and does as told. Truthfully, Shinwon is not exactly a perfect barista. He's actually "hellish at his job" according to his very kind and sweet co-worked Jinho, who loves him so much! (Sarcasm.) (Though they are friends outside of work.)

When Shinwon begins to pour the second coffee, he looks up to the long line of customers until his eyes land on someone... someone...

Someone... really, really pretty.

This customer is tall and lean, sporting these perfect body proportions that made him stick out from the crowd. His thick hair is black, coming down into his eyes until brushed away in a side part. The dark shade of his hair contrasts with the white ivory of his pale, silk-like skin. He's like... Snow White...oh god. Shinwon knows he's practically ogling him, but he doesn't care. Shinwon has accepted that he himself is a flirt.

He tries to ignore and suppress the desires stirring up inside of him but fails, always seeming to glance up at the boy, who is getting prettier with every passing second.

"Shinwon fill this one up with black coffee," Jinho's voice cuts his thoughts short. He hands the tall barista a coffee mug and gestures to the steaming pitcher, presumably filled with the hot back coffee he was referring to.

When pouring, Shinwon has to avert his eyes from the line because "oh my god this customer is so pretty for his own good... but if I stare too long I will spill this scalding hot coffee over mysel—"

"Yah, Shinwon! You're spilling the coffee!" Jinho shouts, making the taller boy jump and instantly drop the cup into the sink water with an unsatisfying plop. Jinho is simply livid at this point, sucking in a breath so deeply one could think he is milliseconds from passing out due to air-loss. He groans, "Koh Shinwon!"

"Hyung! Hyung!" Shinwon exclaims quickly, letting out a nervous laugh, "it's fine—I'll take care of it!"

Jinho inhales again, shutting his eyes tightly because oh god, he can't stand to look at Shinwon's face in this moment; how the hell was he hired to work here? Jinho mumbles "ok, fine, fine" and proceeds to curse under his breath as he walks back to his station.

When Jinho has his back turned Shinwon stares at the stranger again, his curious eyes now able to take in the small details of this attractive boy. He is wearing an EXO sweatshirt: a white one with a pale blue logo belonging to the group. "Ah, an EXO-L... it's fitting he's here...in this... EXO... cafe..." thought Shinwon. A few minutes later and the boy had thrown together four misshapen lattes in a terrible frenzy, stopping every few seconds to take a glimpse of the cute, innocent-seeming EXO boy. Wow, he's really gorgeous. For real, Shinwon didn't know people as pretty as him could exist.

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