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• ғᴀɪʀ

═══════════════╗CHAPTER FOUR• ғᴀɪʀ •

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"C'mon, Y/N," Phoenix groans, trying to convince you. "Mom said I had to take the twins because I'm the oldest, but I don't want to go alone with them. They're a handful! Plus, it could be a little sibling bonding!"

"Fine," You groan, giving up since he had been bugging you for over ten minutes. "What time are we leaving?"

"In about fifteen minutes."

"What?!" You sit up on your bed. "That gives me no time to get ready."

"Well if you start now, you'll be good."

You grab a plushie from the bed and throw it at him. Phoenix giggles as he runs out of your room. Since he was ready, he walks downstairs, waiting in the living room for Hoseok to show up.

A few days ago when he came by, Phoenix had mentioned to him that his mom wanted him to take the girls out to the fair to get to know Gwangju. Since Hoseok was born and raised there, Phoenix invited him to tag along.

Hoseok gladly agreed but told the boy he could only leave his house after sunset. Phoenix found it strange, since he would come over during daytime, but didn't think much of it.

As Phoenix watches the sun go down through the large living room windows, he hears a faint knock at the door. He jogs over, opening it and welcoming Hoseok.

"You guys ready?" The blonde asks.

"Let me go get my sisters. Girls always take so damn long."

Hoseok chuckles as Phoenix runs up the stairs. Your mother walks into the living room, greeting Hoseok with a warm hug.

"Can you hurry your ass up?" Phoenix questions, sticking his head into the room. "It's time to go."

"I'm done, I'm done," You reply and grab your bag, taking one last look in the mirror. "Let's go."

You and Phoenix grab the girls and walk downstairs. Your eyebrows knit in confusion upon seeing Hoseok.

"I thought we were going for some sibling bonding." You comment with an attitude, turning to your older brother.

"It's fine if Hoseok goes, Y/N," Alena mentions in a sweet, but warning tone.

"You look beautiful, kitten." Hoseok compliments, eyeing you from head to toe.

Phoenix and Alena's eyebrows raise, instantly looking at each other.

"Meow." You reply sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

"How do we look, Hobi?" Iris asks, standing in front of the blonde.

Hobi? Since when do they call him that?

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐒 ✇ 𝐣𝐡𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now