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═══════════════╗CHAPTER SEVENTEEN• ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ •

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"What do you mean that's your grandpa?"

"My grandpa, Hoseok," You point at the middle-aged man standing next to him in the picture. "That's my mom's dad. He's literally downstairs probably sleeping."

"That's your grandfather?!"


Jungkook gasps and covers his mouth, "Don't tell me we got a case of sweet home Alabama."

You internally start to freak out.


"No, no," He shakes his head. "It's nothing like that. We aren't related."

"Holy fuck," You let out a breath of relief, hand over your chest. "Thank God."

"Okay, so if you guys aren't related, why do you have a picture with Y/N's grandpa?" Jungkook questions.

"This man," Hoseok grins, recalling the memories with him. "He's the only cop that believed I didn't commit the murders. He stood by me and for me and continuously defended me knowing it could hurt his image. When the investigations were going on, nearby grocery stores declined us from shopping for food. We were starving and when Cillian found out, he was enraged. After that, he always provided food for us."

Hoseok looks over at you, your eyes glistening with endearment.

"Y/N, I never paid attention to your grandfather. My eyes were always stuck on you," He chuckles and you do too. "But now that I know where he is and who he is, I would really love to get the chance to talk to him again."

You smile, nodding your head, "Of course."

You stand and Hoseok does the same. You invite Jungkook to come with but he declines, wanting to continue looking through the box.

Hoseok and you walk downstairs and towards your grandfather's room. You knock on the door a few times.

"Come in."

You push the door open.

"Grandpa, I have a visitor who wants to talk to you."

"Ah," He sits up and you rush to help him. You sit him up to have his back resting on the headboard. "Who is it?"

"A friend of mine."

You grab his glasses on his nightstand and put them on him. He fixes them and you move away, letting Hoseok walk up to him.

"Hello, sir." He bows respectfully.

"Come, youngster," Cillian pats the empty area beside him on the bed. "Sit closer so I can hear you better."

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐒 ✇ 𝐣𝐡𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now