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ʙᴏɴᴇs •

═══════════════╗CHAPTER THIRTEEN• ʙᴏɴᴇs •

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"We need to talk."

"Oh my God." You mutter.

You try to escape through the space Hoseok left between him and the doorframe, but he grabs you, pressing his chest against your back.


Hoseok holds you tightly, an arm wrapped around your torso as his free hand covers your mouth.

"Y/N, stop!" He whispers loudly, dragging you into the room as you struggle against him. He kicks the door closed. "I'm not going to hurt you. Please just calm down."

Hoseok sits on the end of the bed, making you sit on his lap. You rest your head back on his shoulder, trying to calm down.

"I promise I won't hurt you," Hoseok looks down at you. "I'm going to let you go, alright? Please don't scream. Please don't run."

You stay quiet, your heavy breathing the only sound that's heard.

"Can you promise me you won't scream or run?"

You nod.

"Okay." Hoseok whispers.

Slowly, his hand uncovers your mouth and his arm unwraps from around you. It takes a few seconds for you to react, but when you do, you get off his lap and run towards the bedroom door. Hoseok groans, running after you.

As the door cracks open, Hoseok comes from behind you and slams it shut. You turn around and he places his hands beside your face, trapping you.

"God, I'm not the bad guy here, Y/N!" Hoseok sighs, annoyed. "Didn't you hear the tapes? I'm innocent!"

"That's not why I'm running from you!" You push him away and he stumbles back. "You were alive and young during the 70s," You take in shuddery breaths, trying to make a sense of things. "It's been forty something years and you don't look a day over twenty!"

Hoseok avoids your eyes.

"Are you a vampire?" You scoff out a chuckle and run your fingers through your hair. "What am I saying? Vampires don't exist," You look over at him. "Do they?"

"I'll explain everything," Hoseok walks over to you. He gently caresses your cheek with his hand and you sigh. You close your eyes, overwhelmed by your conflicting emotions. "But first I need to do some stuff."

Hoseok rushes over to the small house beside yours. He knocks on the door furiously until a blue-haired boy opens it.

"Where is he?!"

"It's night," Taehyung answers. "He's not here."

Hoseok pushes past Taehyung and steps into the house. Jin walks into the foyer.

"Woah, Hoseok," The older grabs his upper arm. "What is it that you want?"

"Someone found the tapes," He informs. "I'm gonna be set free and Namjoon's gonna burn in hell, so just tell me what I wanna know."

"We can't." Jimin joins the boys.

"How are you guys still protecting him?! He murdered so many people!"

"He can still kill us, Hoseok!" Taehyung shouts back. "He won't even let us out of this house! The only time we were allowed to step foot outside was to deliver the sage to your little girlfriend!"

Hoseok huffs, looking down as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration.

"You bastards are alive," He lifts his head to look at them. "You choose to stay here! You can easily run away, get out of the country or some shit so Namjoon can't find you guys when he can leave this house at night!"

They look down, ashamed.

"You don't understand how long I've wanted to find peace! To be free of that house! Do you think it's fun being trapped in there for forty something years?! You three more than anyone know how absorbing it is! It took away my happiness! It stripped any good I had left in me! I even started to believe I actually committed those murders!" Hoseok sighs, cooling off. "Please, guys. If there's any good left in you... please help me."

The three boys look at each other then sigh.

• • • •

In your room, you nervously walk back and forth as you chew on your nails. The bedroom door opens and you turn around to see Hoseok walk in.

"What took you so long?"

"I had to get some information," Hoseok can't help but smile. "I need your help."

"No," You shake your head. "You said when you came back you would tell me everything."

"And I will," Hoseok cups your face. "But I really need your help right now, Y/N."

You look up into his soft eyes, your mind telling you no, but your heart telling you yes.


"Thank you," He leans over and kisses your forehead. "Now, where do you keep your shovels?"

"Hoseok," You call, but he keeps shoveling. "It's thundering and it's probably going to rain soon. Let me help."

"I've got this, Y/N."

You sigh, rolling your eyes.

"Holy fuck!" Hoseok shouts in excitement.

"What?" You ask, peeking into the hole he excavated.

Hoseok uses his hands to keep digging the item he's been searching for as you look over his shoulder. Soon, multiple old, dirty white bones are seen and you gasp, terrified.

"Hoseok, those are human bones!"

"I know," He replies nonchalantly, a relieved smile on his face as he eyes the bone in his hand. "They're my bones."

────── .✇. ──────


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