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• sᴛᴀʀɢᴀᴢɪɴɢ

═══════════════╗CHAPTER NINE• sᴛᴀʀɢᴀᴢɪɴɢ •

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"Mom, it's not a date." You inform, fixing your jean skirt.

"I think it is," She claps excitedly. "Awe, my baby's going on her first date."

"You don't have to remind me that I've been lonely for so many years."

"But now this boy, Jungkook you said was his name?" She asks and you nod.

Oh, right. You told her the boy you were going out with was Jungkook. You couldn't tell her you were going out with Hoseok. She would start planning the wedding.

"Jungkook comes into your life and changes everything," Alena smiles at the thought of you and him. "Y/N, I have to meet him! First he comes over for a project, now you two are going out on a date?"

"Not a date."

"I mean, why haven't you introduced him to us?" She ignores you. "Are we that embarrassing?"

"Mama," You turn away from the mirror and look at her. "It's just the first 'date', okay? We aren't even dating yet."

"Yet?" She raises her eyebrows and purses her lips.

"I didn't mean to say that."

"Sure you didn't," Alena stands up and walks over to you. "Alrighty, my baby. I'll leave you alone now because the movie starts in about thirty minutes and the movie theater is kind of far."

"Okay, mom."

"I wish you could join us." She pouts.

"There'll always be a next time."

"You're right," Alena kisses your cheek. "Text me when you leave and when you get back home, okay?"

You give her a thumbs up.

The doorbell sounding across the house makes your heart beat faster than before. You could feel every single pound in your chest and you swore it was going to burst.

You rush down the stairs to open the front door. Hoseok grins, a bouquet of purple lilacs in his right hand. You smile at the sight.

On the other side, Hoseok couldn't help but practically drool at how good you looked. You always looked pretty in his eyes, but tonight you were on another level.

"Aren't you a good gentleman." You say, motioning to the flowers.

"The best." He shrugs cockily.

You roll your eyes playfully and take the bouquet from him.

"They're really pretty. Thank you."

"Do you know what they mean?" Hoseok questions and you shake your head. "Purple lilacs represent the beginning of a new love."

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