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═══════════════╗CHAPTER TWO• ᴊᴜᴅɢᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ •

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A light tap on your shoulder catches your attention and you look up from your workbook. Your eyes meet the stranger's doe ones and he grins cheekily.

"Hello," The boy greets. "I'm Jungkook. May I sit next to you?"

"Uh, sure."

You bring your things from the desk beside you to yours. Jungkook sits down and turns to you.

"You're Y/N, right?"

"And you know that how?"

"Not only are you new, but you also moved into the old Jung house."

"Of course," You scoff, realizing the only reason he sat beside you was to get information on the 'haunted' house. "I haven't seen any ghosts in case you're wondering like the other twelve people who have asked me."

"I wasn't going to ask that," Jungkook lets out a light chuckle. "I just sat here because I thought you'd like a friend. I can show you around school and we can sit together at lunch... unless you already have other friends."

You smile at his cute words, "I don't."

"Cool." He smiles timidly, turning away to grab his workbook from his backpack.

You were tired out of your mind. Because of so much classwork, you decided to go to a library after school and stayed there until the sun started to go down.

You toss your backpack on the floor and fall back on the couch. Your brother does the same on the couch across the one you lay on.

"How was your first day?" You hear him ask.

"I made a friend," You reply. "You?"

"Same," Phoenix sighs. "Why do you sound so down?"

"I don't know. This house just takes away all my energy."

"Just set the bags on the table." You hear your mother speak in a cheery voice from the kitchen.

You and Phoenix sit up and your little sisters run past the two of you and up the stairs. After, your mom walks in with a smile.

"Nix, Y/N, Hoseok is here," She announces and the blonde boy walks into the living room. "He came by earlier and offered to go grocery shopping with me."

"Hey, man," Phoenix greets and stands up, walking over to give him a quick handshake. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good," Hoseok smiles, his dimples peeking out. He looks past your brother and at you. "Hey, Y/N."

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