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═══════════════╗CHAPTER FIFTEEN• ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢʏ •

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Hoseok and you quickly stand up from the bed.


"Tell me you didn't sleep with my friend," Phoenix looks over at Hoseok. "And tell me you didn't break bro code and slept with my sister."

"Remember the girl I talked about?" Hoseok asks. "You said if I felt like we were meant to be then to go for it."

"Yeah because I didn't know you were talking about my little sister!" Phoenix turns back to you." And what do you mean you had sex with a ghost?!"

"Oh, God." You rub your forehead and Hoseok notices your stressed out state.

"Look, Phoenix," He speaks. "I trust you, buddy, alright?"

"Well, I don't anymore."

"Okay, fine. I understand that, but because I do, I'm going to tell you what I just told your sister."

"What?!" You question and Hoseok nods. "He's going to freak!"

"Phoenix can help us, Y/N."

"Hello," He interrupts. "Still in the room."

Hoseok looks away from you and at your brother, "I think you should sit down for this story."

"So I've been hanging out with a ghost?!" Phoenix points at himself then points at you. "And you've been fucking a ghost?!"

"I would rather not share my sex life with you, brother."

Phoenix huffs and starts to punch the air. Your eyebrows knit in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

He stops and looks at you, "That's me beating your ass cause you took my best friend."


"Oh." He mimics, rolling his eyes.

"Nix, we need your help." Hoseok interrupts the bickering.

"Why? You already found your bones and your sister's."

"But we need to find Namjoon's and Jungkook's. I don't know where the rest of the victim's bodies are buried, but I do know where Jungkook's is. He deserves peace just as much as Clementine and I."

Phoenix groans softly, "What do you need me to do?"

Hoseok smiles, happy his best friend agreed to help.

"Namjoon committed suicide in the house next door. His ghost is tied to that house which means his body is buried somewhere in that property. Go and talk to Jimin. He's the sweetest one out of the three and also gay."

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