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ᴅᴇᴀʟ? •

═══════════════╗CHAPTER EIGHT• ᴅᴇᴀʟ? •

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"Wakey wakey!" Phoenix exclaims cheerfully, opening up the blinds that cover the windows and balcony doors.

You groan, pulling the bedsheets over your head. Phoenix chuckles and walks over to the bed. He sits beside you and pulls the covers down, poking your cheek.

"What do you want?" You question, annoyed.

"A little birdy told me you snuck out last night and went to the party mama said you couldn't go to."

"That loudmouth," You mutter. "I'm going to kill him."

"Too late. He just left."

"Good," You grab the bedsheets and cover face again. "Now leave. My head is pounding."

Phoenix chuckles and rubs the top of your head, "My little rebel."

"Good morning, young lady," Alena speaks sarcastically since it was three in the afternoon. "Someone sure slept in, huh?"

"I was tired."

"I can see that," Your mother looks at your messy state. "You better clean up. Hoseok is coming over in a bit."

"But Nix just said that he left."

"He left hours ago when Phoenix went to go bother you. I just called him over to see if he could help me plant some seeds," She informs. "Did you know he loves gardening?"

The door to the backyard opens and you instantly jump out of the chair before Hoseok walks in. You run up the stairs and into your room.

"Holy fuck," You sigh, leaning up against the door. "How am I ever going to be around him after last night?"

After you finish combing your damp hair, you leave the bathroom. You walk towards your room and push the door open.

"What the hell?!" You nearly shout when you see Hoseok sitting on your bed.

He quickly pulls you in and shuts the door, pressing you up against it. His right hand rests beside your head as his left sits on your hip.

"What are you doing?!"

"You wanted to kiss me last night, I said no and to wait until tomorrow, and well, it's tomorrow."

Hoseok starts to lean in, but you push his face away with the palm of your hand. He laughs and you get away from him.

"Don't tell me you don't remember." He turns around to face you.

"I don't."

"Let me refresh your memory. You also said you have a little crush on me," Hoseok shrugs. "I don't know about you, but drunk words are sober thoughts."

"Hoseok!" You complain, turning around and grabbing a pillow.

You throw it at him, but he dodges it.

"So you remember!"

"Of course I remember! This is one of the most embarrassing moments of my life," You rub your forehead stressfully. "Who did I think I was with all that confidence?"

"It was the alcohol. It makes you spill the truth and take bold risks."

"Can we just agree we will never happen?" You ask. "So let's just forget yesterday and act normal, yes?"



"No, Y/N," Hoseok repeats himself. "I don't want yesterday to be forgotten. I want something to happen between us."


"Don't try to make up an excuse," He interrupts. "You like me, I like you, so let's give it a shot."

You sigh softly, "I don't know."

"How 'bout this," Hoseok starts and you listen carefully. "Let me take you out tomorrow. If you don't think we hit it off, we'll do what you want. We'll forget anything ever happened. Deal?"

Okay, look. You have nothing to lose, Y/N. You can go on a date with this hot guy, eat free food, and potentially have a boyfriend by the end of the night.

But what about that weird gut feeling you always get when he's around? You can't just ignore that...

I mean, you could. At least for the night.

Ah, fuck it.

"Fine," You agree and a heart-shaped grin appears on Hoseok's lips. "But if it doesn't work out, it's done."

"I'm not stressing," Hoseok smirks. "You're gonna love what I have planned."

────── .✇. ──────

Short filler chapter, but WOW I wOnDeR wHaT hIs PlAnS aRe 💀👀 BTW, she only remembers confessing her feelings for him not talking about her ideal date :B

Short filler chapter, but WOW I wOnDeR wHaT hIs PlAnS aRe 💀👀 BTW, she only remembers confessing her feelings for him not talking about her ideal date :B

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What's your favorite track on "D-2"?
Mine are "28" and "People" 🥰

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