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A/N: so i have decided to post again! It's summer break and I've been away long enough

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A/N: so i have decided to post again! It's summer break and I've been away long enough. I miss interacting with you. I miss writing. So here ya go! I don't really know anything about fight scenes or other stuff mentioned in this chapter, but I did some research and I hope everything is at least close to being accurate. Also, 7.1k??? YOU GUYS ARE INSANE! THANK YOU! IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! AND YOUR SUPPORT ON MY LAST UPDATE CHAPTER REALLY HELPED ME GET BACK INTO THE SPIRIT! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING; I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
also please read the author's note at the end, too. don't skip, please!

"Second floor is clear!" Hotch said, his voice hushed and quiet through the earpiece.

Skylar breathed out. A mixture of frustration anxiety leaving her body with that sound. "Copy that, Hotch!" She said. Her boots moved across the floor seemingly soundless.

The men in front of her walked in a straight line, making their up to the luxury suite at the end of the hallway. Usually, she would've stayed calm, but her heart seemed to know something her brain didn't as it beat up to her throat. She instinctively slowed her steps, listening with her ears and the shivers down her spine.

"Hey!" She said, quiet, but the men ignored her. So much for being a woman in the FBI and on a mission... Men!

Then, her ears suddenly picked up on a beeping sound. She recognized it, but not the kind that relieved her of all fear; the sound worsened the already sick feeling she held in her stomach, and all color faded from her sweat glaced skin. She came to a sudden halt, throat dry and clenched just like every other muscle in her body.

Before Skylar could say something else, something to deescelate the situation, the beeping got so rapid, her head began to spin. Almost instinctively, she ripped the door closest to her wide open and dragged one of the guys with her. It was all she could hold onto in that moment, fist clenched around the thick metal of his SWAT suit. They fell to the floor, his weight pressing the air out of her lungs as he landed on top of her.

His eyebrows were furrowed behind the black mask, confusion falling into the defeaning silence. Had she been wrong with her assumptions? Skylar got ready to apologize, emberassment making her cheeks burn red.

But then the floor began to vibrate like an earthquake hit the city and then, BOOM!

The entire building shook under the power of the explosion.

Skylar's ears began to ring. A school bell in her very own head that didn't dare stop. She even saw stars for a couple seconds, the blast attacking them with debris. The guy on top of her pressed all the air from her lungs, but she was numb. Explosions did that, she knew, but this... this was different.

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