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A/N: I honestly don't know what this chapter is

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A/N: I honestly don't know what this chapter is. It's kinda boring and not satisfying at all. I hope you like it, anyway. The profile also isn't exactly the way I wanted it to turn out, but I worked on this chapter for the last three days and I decided to just leave it here. It's just a chapter to fill in some gaps, anyway.

Also, I'm almost finished with season 12 of CM and I must say, while it hurts me to see Reid like this, the storyline is quite good. It keeps me on the edge of my seat, something I really didn't expect. And I love seeing Emily as the Unit Chief!! If you haven't noticed already, I love her and she owns my ass. Emily is superior. I just... I love her more than I can express.

Thank you for reading, see you next chapter, bye!

"She who seeks the Queen of All Knowledge, speak and be recognized!"

Skylar almost cried when she heard Penelope's voice through the small speaker of her phone. "Hey, it's me," she said. "I, uh—"

"Oh honey," Garcia said, "you sound awful. Are you okay?"

She wasn't. "I am," — lie — "Listen, I wanted to ask how far along you are with the newest victim's personal history," Skylar asked. "You got anything yet?"

Penelope typed on her keyboard before she replied, "No. Little Brenda was absolutely healthy. Physically, at least. Mentally, that is debatable." There was a pause. "She went to rehab for her gambling addiction. Her records say she made a quick and great recovery. It sounds truly like Brenda did a 180 on her life, removed all the bad and found back to the good side," she said. "Other than that, there are no freaky accidents, no family drama, nothing that could've caused such a sudden change of mind. She was in recovery and proud to be in recovery."

Skylar dropped her head into her hands. "Why is this so complicated?" She asked herself. "Victimology, the addiction links them. But in real life, there is nothing," she said. "Are you sure there is nothing else that links these four women outside their struggles with addiction? A place where they all could've run into our unsub — like, did they perhaps visit the same rehab facility?" This time, the question was directed at the technical analyst on the other line.

Penelope was truly one of the best to ever exist, but she was only human, too, and so her powers only reached to an extent and hardly ever above.

Garcia shook her head. "Uh-uh," she answered. "I tried everything. I'm sorry, hot stuff. There's nothing," she said.

"No, no, don't be sorry! It's my fault, I should focus more. I should pull my head out of my own ass and think outside the box for once. It's not your job to do all the thinking for me. I—"

Penelope breathed out heavily. She set her pen down, or at least it sounded like she did. "Okay," she said and her voice sounded much more serious now, all hints of her usual cheeriness completely vanished, "So, I might not be a profiler, but I've got hypersensitive spidey-senses when it comes to people and their needs because as we both know I am a person to give kindness to people when they need it most," she said. Skylar rolled her eyes in a way that said: 'can't argue with that', and she really couldn't. "That's how I know something's bothering you."

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