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It's been a few weeks since Tom has come near me and I'm grateful for that, but I always see him staring at me and I don't know why. I've giving him no reason to be attracted to me and I don't even know the guy, I told nobody about what he did but I wrote it down in my diary. Our head master announced that for the first time on Hogwarts history they would be having a Halloween party for all years in the great hall on Halloween night, that we must dress appropriately or else we would not be allowed attend. " What theme should we have?" Molly asked as we sat in our usual places by the fire, " Are we all going to have the same theme?" James asked " Why not? It'll be fun" lily smiled. " So what theme should we do?" " What about 1920's?" I asked " Us girls can wear the short sparky dresses with the feather in our hair, while the boys wear nice suits" " Yes!" Lily smiled and the boys moaned " What did you guys have in mind then?" " I don't know" " Then 1920's swing it is".

That weekend we all went to Hogsmead to find the costumes but we couldn't find any. " Guys I'll get my parents to send them, don't worry. Boys you can easily get the suits". By Saturday morning we had gotten the costumes and we were so happy since the party was tonight. We all did our make up in the bathroom, put our dresses and shoes on and the end piece was amazing. (Above).
We all smiled as Lily looked beautiful in her green dress as did Molly in her blue dress. We headed downstairs to the great hall as everyone stopped to stare at us, Sirius, James and Lupin all smiled at us " You three look beautiful" Lupin smiled at us all " Thank you Lupin". We all sat at a table and talked and drank punch when the person in charge of music said they had a special song for our group. We all laughed as the boys pulled us on to the dance floor.

In front of a room full of the seven years and all the teachers in the school, we did a 1920's dance and had everyone laughing and cheering at us. We all laughed when it was over and took a quick drink. A slow song came on and Sirius took my hand and we slowly danced together as did Lily and James. " Odette" Sirius smiled at me " Yes Sirius?" " I know I said that I wanted to try again but I have to be honest with you" " Yes?" I asked confused " I thought I loved you but you were right, we are meant to be best friends forever" " Where is this coming from?" He sighed " I found a girl in my potions call, and I really like her, and we've been dating a few weeks now" " Sirius that's great, why didn't you tell me?" " I didn't want to upset you" " Sirius, go be with her I'll be fine".

We stopped dancing " Are you sure?" " Of course I am, go" he kissed my cheek and left the dance floor to go find her. I sighed and slowly made my way out of the party and sat on the stairs. " What are you doing out here?" I turned my head to see Tom " Nothing" I sighed as I leaned my head on the wall " Where's your dog?" " With his girlfriend" " But I just saw you dancing with him" " That was him telling me about her, he's gone with her and I'm left without a date. So I'll be going to bed". I stood up and walked up a set or two when my gags was grabbed, he pulled me back to the bottom of the stairs and brought me back into the great hall, he looked at the person on music as another slow song started. He bowed to me " May I have this dance?" I looked at him for a second and smiled " You may". He placed his hand at the end of my back and took my hand in his as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

We got a lot of attention as everyone stopped and stared to see who the infamous Tom Riddle was dancing with. " Everyone is looking at us" I said as he spung me around " Let me look" he smirked before pulling me in extremely close to him. He stared deeply into my eyes as I did to him, I could feel the tension between us as he quickly ducked his head and pressed his lips against mine, in front of the entire school. I was shocked at first but the kiss felt like nothing I've ever felt before and I found myself kissing him back until we pulled away softly. He looked at me " What magic do you have over me?" He asked " None I promise" " What is this emotion inside me" " Only one way to find out" I smiled at him which made him smile before kissing me again. This turned into a great party.

I dumped Odette on the dance floor and left to find Sarah, the girl from my potions class. I turned to see her making out with another guy, " What the hell? I thought we were together?" " I never said that, besides George is my new guy" I turned away and walked to my friend group who were just staring at the dance floor " What are you guys doing? Have you seen Odette?" Lily pointed to the dance floor and I turned my head to see her dancing with Tom Riddle. What?! I stared at them like everyone else and felt my heart break as he kissed her, what the hell? She smiled at him after the kiss and I felt rage run through my body as he kissed her again. This is the worst night of my life, that son of a bitch is going to pay.

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