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The last few weeks I've been ignoring Tom and dodging him whenever I could, it was hard to do in potions but I always pulled through. I ignored Tom as I finished our potion and smiled when Professor Slughorn came over to test our potion, giving us an A. When the bell rang I grabbed my bag and quickly left the room, ignoring Tom as he called my name. I made my way to the great hall for lunch when I was grabbed and I sighed as I turned to him " What do you want?" " Why are you ignoring me?" " Are you seriously asking me that question?" " Yes". " I haven't got the time to explain how feelings work Tom but I'll make it quick. I trusted you and you betrayed me, you let your friend threaten me and did nothing. Yes I know he didn't hurt me but he easily could have, all because of you. I don't want you around me because your friends want to hurt me to annoy you". I turned away " Wait" Tom said catching my attention " I'm sorry but I have more important things to do then listen to you go on about your power" I walked to the open doors of the great hall only to be pinned against them " It only bothers me so much because they're right! You are my weakness Odette!! And I have them emotions towards you I have never felt before, so when they threaten you it worries me but I don't know what to do".

" If you care about me, then protect me from them" Tom grabbed my face " I cant lose my followers, but I can't lose you" " Tom" " So it's true then, Riddle had fallen in love. I knew you were weak" I saw the anger and rage burning in his eyes " I am not weak, I am more powerful than any of you will ever be, and with this woman by my side I'll one day be the greatest sorcerer to ever be" Tom said before glaring at Jason " And if you hurt her, or get in my way I'll kill you and your entire family. I am the leader I am the Lord, you follow me" he glared at Jason, making him shiver in fear " Do I make myself clear" " Yes my lord" they said before leaving.

Tom stroked my cheek " Can we put al of this behind us?" He asked " I-" " Don't say anything" he said as he grabbed my face and kissed me. " What's your favourite colour?" He asked me " Uh blue, why?" " You'll see later" he smirked before leaving. I sat down at the table " Being you must be tiring" Lupin said " This year? Yeah it really is" " It seems you sorted things out with him" " Maybe, we'll see how it goes". After classes I made my way up the many stairs with Lily after our DFDF class and were surprised by the amount of people blocking the Gryffindor tower. " What's going on?!" I yelled, on cue every girl in the school turned to glare at me as Tom walked down the stairs and handed me a bunch of beautiful blue roses. I stared at him with surprised eyes and I took them from him " I'm sorry for everything I put you through Odette, though I am not one to really feel anything, you've changed that. Would you be so kind to forgive me and officially be my girlfriend?".

" What?" I asked " What!" All the other girls shouted " I'm not sure what I feel, but if it is love, then I do not want to take any more chances of losing you". " I'd love to be your girlfriend" he smiled as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss " Then I shall see you tomorrow" and with that he left. Lily put her hand on my shoulder " What the hell have you done to that guy?" " I have no idea" I laughed as we walked into the common room together.

Before we knew it, it was Christmas time and you know what that brought? Stress. We were sitting at our morning feast when the head master stood up " As it comes closer to Christmas I wish to announce, that the fifth year Christmas ball will be held on the twenty second of December, strictly for fifth years only!". We all smiled at each other as Lily, Molly and I all grabbed hands in excitement. " That's it, this weekend we're going shopping for dresses, the dance is next week" " I hope the people that ask us out do it romantically" Molly smiled " Wait what? We have to ask you?" James asked " Of course you have to" the look on all three of the boys' faces was enough to make us all laugh. Instead of Transfiguration class we had Professor Dumbledore trying to teach Gryffindor and Slytherin how to dance.

" I have no doubt you will all enjoy the ball, I have no doubt all you lovely ladies will be beautiful and that all you gentlemen will be handsomely dressed. However as it is, I must teach you to dance so you do not make a fool of yourself. Odette could you be my dance partner?" I stood up and placed my hand on Dumbledores shoulder, he placed his hand on the small of my back as he gently took my hand, " And one two three, one two three" he repeated as we gracefully danced around the room. " Boys pay attention to me, ladies pay attention to Odette, notice her grace, how she keeps herself. Thank you Odette". I sat back down as Dumbledore faced the class " Now I asked Ms Evans to be my partner as she comes from a high up family, as a high class lady I knew her father would have taught her to dance, now all of you get up and find partners, this whole lesson you will be dancing".

Sirius took my hands and started dancing with me, " This is a lot more difficult than I thought" he laughed " You have an admirer" I whispered in his ear, he slowly turned his head to a brown haired girl who was smiling at him, I danced him over to her and placed the two of them together. They danced away and I laughed as she stood on his toes. " Your a great friend" I smiled at Lupin " Thank you, I wouldn't know what I would do if I didn't have you guys" " I think we all feel the same way about you" he smiled at me. " Now, I can see someone is waiting to ask you to dance" I turned to see Tom making his way over to me " Ill leave you to it" " May I have this dance?" " You may" I smiled as he pulled me into his body and danced with me, he picked me up and spun me before placing me back down again " I had a question I wanted to ask you" " Yes?" I asked with a furrowed brow, Tom stopped dancing, got on one knee and took my hand. Everyone in the room, including Dumbledore stopped and stared at us " Odette Evans, will you give me the great pleasure of being my date to the ball?".

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