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I ended up staying with Sirius for a while, he helped me so much in my first trimester even getting up in the middle of the night to make sure I was alright. After a month or so with living with him we decided to try dating again, so I took my wedding ring off and sent it back to Tom with a note that read " Goodbye Tom". That was about four months ago, and now I'm standing in my shared bedroom with Sirius, staring at my baby bump now that I was about five months pregnant.

" You are so beautiful" Sirius smiled at me " Your sure you don't mind?" I asked as I stared at him through the mirror. " Of course I don't mind, this child is still a part of you" he said placing his hand on my stomach " And I know one day we'll have one or two of our own. I'd love to be the father to your child Odette, no matter who the biological dad is". I couldn't help but smile at him " Thank you Sirius" " So you ready to go visit Lily?" " Definitely".

We apparated outside the Potter house and knocked on the door, smiling when James opened the door and welcomed us in. " Lily, Sirius and Odette are here" James announced before we walked into the sitting room. I sat beside Lily and had a small tear " He's so beautiful Lily" I smiled down at her little bundle of joy, all wrapped up in his baby blue blankets sleeping peacefully. " His name is Harry" " It suits him perfectly" " Would you like to hold him?" Lily asked me " Of course I would" I smiled as I took my coat off before Lily handed Harry to me.

I smiled down at him as I softly rubbed his cheek " He's so soft" " We actually wanted you two to be the first to meet him" " Why?" I asked. James and Lily smiled at Sirius and I, " We want you both to be his godparents". I stared at her in disbelief " Me? After everything I did?" " You were a different person then, and you've changed so much since you left him. We want you to be his guardian in case anything ever happens to us". I cried as I hugged Lily, being careful not to crush Harry " I love you both so much" I smiled as the four of us celebrated the birth of our new family member.

The next day I was helping Sirius decorate the baby's room, we still didn't know the gender of the baby so we decided to paint it a neutral colour. Well I did, he wanted black but I refused to have a black baby room so I made Sirius help me paint the baby's room white with one wall wallpapered with blue and pink. " I can't believe there's a room in my house that's white, I don't think this has ever been done in Black history" I laughed " Well you better get used to it, I love you but I'm not having every room in our house black and dull" " Oh of course you wouldn't, I expect nothing but bright colours and decorative pillows from you". I gave him a playful slap and laughed " You love me don't even start" " I do, and I wouldn't want it any other way".

As we finished up painting the room, we took a step back and smiled " I'll be picking up the crib and wardrobe tomorrow with Remus" " Hopefully one of you will be able to figure out how to put it together" I laughed as I headed for the stairs. " Hey, we're smart" " Yeah, together you have about three brain cells to share". We continued laughing and teasing each other as we headed for the dinning room for dinner, I entered the room first and forced myself to stop " What the hell are you doing here" I said my smile quickly fading away at the sight in front of me.

" Why I've come for my wife" Tom smirked at me " I ended our marriage, you have your ring" " You really think I'm gonna let you walk away from me that easy?". " Considering I haven't seen you in five months, yes I thought you would leave me alone". Sirius came up behind me " You son of a bitch" he shouted as he pulled his wand out, he stood in front of me with his hand on my stomach " Don't you dare come near my love or our child". " Your child?" Tom laughed " Has she lied to you about the father of the child?" " He knows your the father Tom, but we are raising it together. Not you". Tom started laughing at us " My wife, my child. You really can't seem to get your own things can you dog".

Sirius shot a spell at Tom before grabbing my hand and apparating us to Remus' house. He jumped as we appeared in his living room " What the hell" " He's back" Sirius said " We have to hide out here for a couple of days" " Of course, do you need me to collect any of your things?". " First let's drop Odette to Lily, James will protect her while we go back". We quickly left and told the story to James and Lily " Odette" Lily whispered as she hugged me. " We'll keep her safe, you two make sure your house is safe" " We will, I'll be back as soon as I can" " Be careful Sirius, I'm scared his going to hurt you". " I can handle myself love, my priority is you and our baby. I won't let him touch either of you, I'll protect you both" " I love you Sirius" " I love you too Odette".

Tom Riddles Princess -Book 1-Where stories live. Discover now