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Unfortunately I was sitting next to all of my 'friends' during graduation. I was in between Sirius and Lily who kept trying to speak to me during the ceremony. " Odette speak to me" Sirius said for the 100th time making me snap at him " Shut it dog" I barked making him sigh and focus back on to Headmaster Dippit. " It has been an honour for us all to have taught such powerful, good students in the past seven years. Although you leave us now to make your own lives and families we hope that you remember your families you have made here in Hogwarts". We all clapped as our Headmaster finished his speech " Now our head boy would like to say a few words" Dippit stepped down as Tom Riddle stood up to the podium with notes in his hand. " Hi, I'd first like to thank you all for choosing me as your head boy for the last year it truly means a lot that so many of my fellow students have trusted me with this position. Secondly I'd like to thank all the teachers and of course our wonderful headmaster for always pushing us to the best of our abilities. For treating us not like children but as equals, for teaching us the skills we need in order to thrive outside of this magnificent school.

I'd like to thank my friends for always being their for me, helping me when I needed them and for never letting me down. I know we'll be just as close outside of Hogwarts as we were here" he smiled at his friends who cheered for him. "And last but certainly not least, I'd like to thank someone I met in Hogwarts, someone I spent years during my time here loving. Someone who's supported and loved me despite my flaws, Odette Evans would you please stand up". I looked at Tom confused as I stood up, all eyes turned to me student and teacher " Odette no words can express how grateful I am to have you in my life, how much love I hold for you could never be described by the best poet. But I may have found a way to express that love". Tom stood up and walked towards me, he took my hand and smiled at me before swiftly going down on one knee and pulling a black velvet box out of his pocket. I stared at him in shock as everyone else had the same shocked and confused faces on them. Nobody knew what was happening right now, maybe it was a prank.

" Odette Evans despite my many flaws you have loved me for me and for that I can never thank you enough. I love you with all of my heart and I know that I will try everything I can to make you happy for the rest of our lives". Tom opened the box to show a beautiful black diamond ring, the diamond itself was big and black while the band around it was an incredible silver with little silver like jewels around it. I gasped and covered my mouth when I realised it was really happening " Odette Evans will you marry me?". Tears slowly escaped my eyes as I nodded quickly " Yes, yes yes!" I shouted as he smiled while slipping the gorgeous ring onto my finger, standing up and kissing me passionately on the lips while everyone around us clapped and cheered for us, surprisingly even the teachers.

We pulled away from each other and rested our foreheads against the other " I love you so much Tom Riddle, potions and all" he stared at me for a moment before whispering " Your not under the potion" I shook my head " Not since last night" he smiled at me before pulling me in for a kiss again, this time spinning me around. Everyone around us threw their hats in the air, cheering as the teachers laughed at us in amusement, " Now go change, your graduation ball awaits". Everyone walked out of the room together and back to their common rooms except I followed Tom to the Slytherin common room. As Tom was head boy he had his own private bathroom that he graciously let me use in peace. I did my make up and hair but couldn't stop staring at my engagement ring. You might be wondering why I'm following him after the potion had worn off? Because being with him and seeing how he is, I don't know it just made me fall in love with him all over again. Yes he was planning on becoming an evil dark wizard, but he still wanted me there by his side, in some sick romantic way I liked it.

" Odette are you ready?" " Not yet, you go ahead to the ball I'll be there soon" I called back " Alright love, don't take too long". I finished my make up and hair before slipping into my dress. ( See above) I thought I looked like a beautiful, powerful woman who would be proud to stand next to the dark lord. I finished my lipstick and put it into my bag, putting my engagement ring back on and walking out of the bathroom. Everyone stopped and stared at me as I made my way through the Slytherin common room, all staring at me with lust, envy of jealousy. I got the same stares from everyone as I made my way to the great hall for the graduation ball. I saw Tom and his friends talking at the entrance to the hall, I stood at the top of the stair case waiting for him to notice me.

Goyle turned and saw me, his mouth dropped open as he elbowed Tom. Tom turned to snap at him but stopped when he saw his face, curious to what he was staring at he turned his head to me and his mouth too dropped open before replacing it with a satisfied smirk. He met me at the end of the stair case and took my hand, kissing it gently " Odette you look ravishing" I smiled at him " As do you Tom" he took my arm in his as we stood at the top of the line, as head boy he would be walking our year into the great hall where our parents and teachers waited for us. Tom made sure everyone was ready before tapping his wand on the door, the big golden doors to the great hall swung open allowing us to walk in.

Professor Dumbledore was the teacher who would be announcing us, Tom and I slowly walked in as all the parents and teachers sat at their tables waiting to see their darling children graduating Hogwarts. " Mr Tom Riddle and his newly engaged fiancé, Ms. Odette Evans" he announced as we sat at a table that had our names on it. Dumbledore continued calling out students names but I focused on them when he announced my old friends names. " Lily Evans and James Potter" I turned and saw how beautiful Lily looked in her gold dress, " Sirius Black" Sirius walked in and bowed causing everyone to laugh " Remus Lupin" he smiled as he walked through and sat straight down " Molly Prewwet and Arthur Weasley" I couldn't help but smile she's been crushing on him for years.

As everyone had sat down the meal began, I smiled as everyone's parents walked over to their children's tables, so they could sit beside them for their meal. I smiled as my mother and father sat beside me " Mother, Father this is Tom Riddle" he shook my dads hand and kissed my mothers " It's a pleasure to finally meet Odette's parents" " So when did you get engaged?" Mother asked " During the graduation Tom proposed and I said yes". " No" father said " We were told by a witch that you would marry the next dark lord" he whispered so nobody else but the four of us would hear. I smirked as I looked at Tom " Tom is the next one dad" I slowly pulled up my sleeve to reveal my mark making my mother and father gasp. Father looked at Tom " You are the next dark lord?" Tom smirked " And Odette will be my bride" father bowed his head to Tom. " Not here, I haven't started my plans yet".

" Tom where are your parents" Toms smiled faltered " I have no parents. My mother died during child birth and my father left me at the orphanage before killing himself". I covered my mouth, he had never told me this before, I put my hand on his shoulder " You can stay with us" my father said causing our attention to be on him. " As the next dark lord and as my daughters future husband I can't have you staying anywhere else. Use my house as your base, there you can plan and build up your army" Tom smirked evilly " Thank you Mr. Evans".

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