Chapter 33

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December 5th: Traditions, and A Hetalia Oneshot.

December Traditions - Tuesday: 6:45 AM

Alright, so my friends and I love it when December comes around. The fresh breath of winter, the snowball fights, slipping on ice cause of said snowball fight, the decorations and carols, just everything makes me feel so good! I'm getting off topic, god. OKAY! (deep overly-dramatic breath) So my friends and I have a couple traditions. One of them is Secret Santa. It was 6:47 AM (For once I'm not a walking zombie.) and I'm making the little raffle cards for the six of us. It was Marlee, Nella, Silvia, Emilina, and Tabita and myself. Since my friends will probably be reading this, I'm giving no answers, thank you.

I was quietly humming to myself a parody of It's Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas as I cut, ruled and penciled in each of the cards. Since we call this season SSS (Secret Santa Season), I decided to cut it short and call S3 or S cubed.

7:19 AM

Stupid Public Transportation! Even when I have something important to do, I still end up exhausted in STAR just running to the cafeteria. This time, I pushed that all aside as I ran to the back of the cafeteria. Marina was already there. I toss my backpack with a heave and breath out a huge sigh.

Emilina and Sylvia were the first to arrive, followed by Marlee and Nella. We all filled out the cards and stuffed them my locker. We agreed to meet at lunch, along with Tabita.

December Traditions: Part II
It was time! After imagining the Star Wars Darth Vader March in my head as we climbed the stairs. (Dunn dunn dun, dun da dun.) I sit next to Marlee and Silvia and hand out each of their info cardlets. Everyone seemed pretty happy and I emptied my lunchbox from my food and replaced the cardlets back inside.

I chose first and passed it to Marlee. I got Nella. Marlee picked herself. I reshuffled the cards and then she picked her card. She then passed it to Nella. It went round and round until Silvia somehow ended up getting herself. That was the only card left.

"Ughhh, fine. We'll do it again." I joke, feigning reluctance. Nella ended up getting Marlee, and I ended up getting Nella, just like last year.

We did the exact thing, letting Silvia shuffle this time. Marlee ended picking herself. Thrice.

"Well, geez, Marlee, if you wanted to buy your own gift, why didn't you just say so?" Emilina asks, teasing.

Marlee and the rest picked theirs. Unfortanately, Silvia ruined it by saying.
"This person wants a hippo."

Since I have what appears to be chicken scratch handwriting, I burst out laughing. It was 6 in the morning, Silvia! Cut me some slack....please. I doubled over laughing though, which was the opposite of what I was thinking.

"It says hairband, Silvia. It was 6 in the morning!" I sigh.

We shuffled a third time and finally, with no complications. My first thought when I received mine was blurted out loud.

"You've got to be kidding me."
Unfortunately, I have the mentality of the saying, My mouth is one step ahead of my head. I guess that's where the brutal honesty comes from. My Secret Receiver had the most specific wish list. It is a challenge I accept!

Hetalia: 9:50 PM - Thursday
Okay, for those of you who know the fandom and how insane we become, great! For those of you who don't...erm, let me out it this way.

Imagine countries from WWII and beyond were turned into actual stereotypical characters.

An example would be America. A hamburger-loving, justice-motivated, self-proclaimed hero. Every single stereotype about America is there.

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