Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: June 3rd, 2014; 8:30 AM

I'm listening to my STAR teach drone on and on about bullying prevention. He's great and everything but the subject is a been-there, done-that for me. I'm starting to get a bit more aquatinted with this new girl, she's nice and everything, I just can't trust anyone anymore. I look around, fiddling with my pencil between my fingers. The blue and white walls, the black and white tiles, the lack of windows and the overuse of plants decorate the classroom. Now, this is what I call prison. Then my mind wanders to the past year.

What have I done this entire year? I answer my own question with horrible back flashes. Fighting back tears, I brush my thoughts aside.

"What are you thinking of?" The new girl asked. I understood she was trying to be nice, but I had to lie, so I don't seem desperate. The world is not a wish-granting factory. I quote The Fault in Our Stars.

"Oh, nothing! I'll see you later." I said trying to sound upbeat. I was clearly faking it. I slammed my planner on the desk when Silvia arrived. I greet her, no response.

"Are you reading The Lone Ranger again?" I sigh. She nods. Silvia finally manages to tell me that there was a Mega-Earth discovered yesterday. She asked for opinions

"A super Earth?" I gasp, being the nerd I am. "Just think of the possibilities of space colonization. It would be so aw-!"

"Alright, I get it!" She sounded clearly annoyed.

"Oh... I'm sorry." I was fighting tears again. Why must I always say sorry? This society expect me to be myself and then complete rearranges it. What did they expect? A society full of jocks and preps?

"Okay, let's get our project." She chirps.

"Pff. How did you just brush that off so easily?" I scoff.

"I was being sarcastic, Elisabeth." She replied

"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss. Sarcasm. Not everyone appreciates your hilarious sense of flattery." I snap.

It was her turn to bite back tears. I always called myself Miss. Spitfire or Miss. Sharp-tounged, I think those nicknames fit me well. Then I resume our project and stayed quiet the entire day.

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