Chapter 31 1/2

26 2 0

September 28th

The Future of This Book, The Sequel.

The Future of This Book

Now, we're approaching 50 parts and 40 chapters. And if you aren't crazed out by now, I'll tell you what will go down.

-We're going to end it at 50 parts. (We're at 42.) With a finale to top it off.

- For you Loyal fans who wish for a sequel, I will come out with one in December. Check below.

- I'll perhaps change POV, every once in a while. It's still a bit iffy.

The Sequel

Alright, here's a brief summary.

Elisabeth, after many hardships, has grown into Student Rep, NJHS, and being a straight A student. But, with her trust still lingering, can she keep her friendships in order or will she fall apart?

It's not exactly the best summary, but I'll modify it later. This one will be about relationships, I know that much.

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