Hint no. 1

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TW: Fighting, Blood, mentions of the infected eye

Virgil's POV

As I saw the caller ID, I could feel my blood go cold and my face pale. I looked up at the others who have worried and curious expressions, especially Patton. "I-I have t-to take th-this real quick." I said and jumped off the bed speed walking to my room. Once I was in there, I called back Deceit who I could tell was not happy that I had ignored his first call. "Anxiety why didn't it take you so long to totally not answer the phone?" I took a shaky breath. "I'm sorry sir, I was busy talking to the hero's" I replied, quieting my voice just in case the others are listening. "Well then you are definitely forgiven. You don't have a mission, I don't want you to not create a ruckus to not see if Logic had survived or has." Ohhh craappp...I am so dead. "Yes sir..." "And remember Anxiety, If he isn't alive there will be no punishment this I don't promise." I shivered and hung up the phone. How the hell am I supposed to tell the hero's to leave Logan behind!?..wait! I'll leave a note. I nodded to myself and got dressed into a fake work uniform so I can tell the others that my boss called me and told me to come into work, which is true...sorta. I then tore out a piece of paper from my drawing book and quickly wrote a quick explanation.

Dear Hero's,

unfortunately we have hit a bit of a snag with me and my 'bosses'. I have to go and create a ruckus so that my 'bosses' can see if Logic has been killed or not. Now I am not the one to...apologise but this time I can make an exception....except to Princey I have nothing to him to apologise about ha ha.
I am sorry that I have bought you all into this, Logic can come out if he would like too, hopefully it wont make a change to anything. It will buy you time to figure out who my 'bosses' are because then I will have to figure out more ways to 'kill' you all. I'll leave a hint and I will give a signal but other than that I cant do anything else. I can try to give you more hints in the next 'epic battles' as Princey says, we have.
~Love Anxiety.

I folded the note and placed it in my pocket then went to the bathroom to re-apply my foundation and eyeshadow. Once I was satisfied with it, I exited my room , closing the door behind me and made my way to the living room where I saw everyone sitting on the couch, talking. Most likely about me. I cleared my throat to catch their attention and it worked. I shifted from one foot to the other in nervousness. "I uh h-have to g-go to w-work. Th-the boss c-called me a-and told me t-to come i-in cuz one o-of th-the workers is s-sick" I said as calmly as I could which wasn't much. They nodded and I walked up to Logan, giving him the note. "This is from him. I haven't looked at it b-but he t-told me to g-give it t-to you. I-It's important I think." I whispered to him and left the house before he could say anything.

(Time skip brought to you by Logan's nerdiness)

I was in my villain outfit (he took of the eye thing cuz his masks covers it) and walked into a bank and saw everyone look at me then scream, running to places to hide or to escape. For some reason there was a part of me that liked seeing them run and in fear. Feeling guilty at that thought, I pushed that feeling aside and focused on the task at hand. I grabbed a female worker by her shirt and gave her a confident smirk. "Could you pretty please show me the vault that the goodies are in?" I said. She nodded frantically and lead me towards the vault, opening it for me and then just standing there. "Thanks lovely, you can head off now" I said, shooing her. I faced back towards the money and grabbed a sack from my coat pocket and started to fill the sack with money. Now the others wont ask questions about if I actually have a job or not. I thought. Once I was finished, I threw the sack over my shoulder and walked out of the bank, noticing that there was no one there. I got not even five feet away from the bank then Princey, Morality and Logan flew down a few feet away from me. I rolled my eyes at their dramatic entry, it was unnecessary. "Anxiety put the money down and surrender quietly!" Princey shouted. I held back a flinch and smirked at him. "Nah I don't think I will, I mean how else am I supposed to pay for food?" I said.

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