Together forever

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TW: Ridiculous amounts of fluff and Remy being sassy

3rd POV
When Virgil passed out the Hero's filled Remy in on what had happened the past month and a half, while he composed himself properly. It was no surprise that at the end Remy was furious but felt sadness and sympathy for the small emo that was cuddled up in Roman's arms. Soon after all the sad stuff, they all started watching Big Hero 6 much to Logan's delight. Towards the end of the movie, Roman felt the emo stirring awake, his eyes fluttering open. Virgil groaned as woke up and snuggled further into Roman's chest, feeling his chest rumble as Roman let out an amused chuckle at Virgil's antics. Virgil let out a lazy playful hiss at him and slowly sat up, looking at the tv with a newfound intrest while yawning. Roman chuckled again, pulling him closer placing his face in the crook of his neck. "Morning Cariño or should I say good afternoon" Roman mumbled. Virgil blushed and looked away. "Oh shush you" He grumbled, leaning into him. Everyone else on the couch started laughing at them.

Virgil went redder and poked his tongue at them. "Shoulda stayed asleep" He pouted. Patton, who was sitting on Logan's lap, giggled. "Sorry it's just your so cute" He gushed make Virgil look like a tomato. Virgil hissed again and flipped his hood up, hiding himself but Logan had other plans and flipped his hood down. He cooed softly at Virgil's flushed state who playfully glared at him, Logan suddenly kissed his cheek to which Virgil froze at. "Okay as f*cking cute as this is, I feel like a third wheel wait no a fifth wheel while you guys do lovey dovey sh*t" Remy said, holding a fake disgusted face while trying not to gush at the adorableness. Patton's eyes narrowed at him with a stern expression. "Language!" He scolded. Remy raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright babes chill, sorry pops" He said. There was a sudden bing as someone's phone went off and everyone checked their phones but it turned out it was Remy's. Remy checked it and saw that it was his boyfriend asking where he is.

Remy sighed and texted his boyfriend before standing up. "Sorry babes I have to go. My boyfriends getting worried about me" He explained with a small smile. Virgil instantly perked up with a grin, wiggling his eyebrows. "Who's the lucky guy? Wait is it the guy you were ranting about the other week, Emile?" He questioned. Remy blushed and rubbed his neck in nervousness. "Uh yeah but can you blame me? He's so freaking pure, he's like Patton!" He blurted. Virgil just chuckled at him. "Well get going, I'm sure he's freaking out." He said. Remy nodded and waved goodbye to everyone before leaving. Roman then sighed in relief. "Thank god I thought he was never going to leave" Roman exclaimed. "Roman be nice" Patton said as Virgil lightly slapped Roman on the chest. Roman was about to say something before he heard Remy shout from outside. "I heard that bitch! I'm going to personally annoy you now!" He shouted. Roman paled. "Get outta here coffee addict!" Virgil shouted back. They heard laughing and then heard him walk away. Patton started laughing at what just happened, his laugh contagious and soon enough everyone was laughing well Virgil covering his mouth and Logan chuckling.

(Time skip to the next day)

Patton and Virgil were currently in the kitchen making Patton-cakes while Roman and Logan were talking about their plans for the day. Virgil then came to dining room with a plated stacked with a Patton-cake tower. "Breakfast is ready" He announced and Roman practically teleported to the table, holding his knife and fork. Patton brought out the fruit, whipped-cream and syrup and placed them on the table then sat down. While everyone ate, Logan spoke. "Roman and I were talking about what todays plans were going to be" He stated. Patton nodded and spoke with his mouth full of food. "W'at we goin 'o do?" He muffled. Logan sighed irritably. "Patton please don't speak with your mouth full. It's bad manners" Logan said. Patton nodded apologetically and swallowed his food. "What are we going to do?" He repeated. "Well we thought about going to the park and have a picnic for lunch" Logan said. Patton squealed in happiness. "Oh yes! We haven't done that in forever" He exclaimed. Logan nodded and turned his attention to Virgil who was next to him. "Is this okay with you Virgil?" He asked his voice going soft. Virgil hesitated before nodding slightly. "I've uh...never been to a park before..." He admitted and flinched at Roman and Patton's loud gasps. They apologised quickly after they noticed. "You've never been to a park before? Not even the playground when you went to school?" Roman questioned as he gaped dramatically.

Virgil bit his lip and shook his head. "No, usually the bullies would h- uh stop me" He quickly caught himself from saying something he didn't want to. They picked up on the change but said nothing. "Well now you'll be able too!" Patton reassured, reaching out to hold his hand that was on the table. Virgil gave him a small smile. A few hours later everyone was ready to go, Patton had the picnic basket, Roman held the picnic blanket, Logan was bringing his book 'The murder of Roger Ackroyd' and Virgil was bringing his headphones just in case. They soon got to the park and they set everything up and settled down before Roman had an idea. "Oh how about we play tag?" He asked with a big grin. Logan rolled his eyes and placed his book down. "Roman we are grown men. Last time I checked, grown men don't play 'tag'" He proclaimed emphasising on the word tag. It was Roman's turn to roll his eyes except more dramatically. "Cmon specs please play with us?" He pouted. "Roman you don't even know if Virgil wants to. I know Patton does." He said. Roman sighed and turned to ask Virgil. "Virge, Cariño, my chemically imbalanced romance will you pretty please play tag with us?" Roman asked with a hopeful smile.

Virgil took one look at Roman and knew that he couldn't say no, he didn't want him to be heart broken. Virgil sighed and nodded, flinching slightly at Roman shout of happiness but smiled anyway. Roman turned to Logan with a triumphant smirk. "So specs are you ready to play?" He taunted. Logan sighed and stood up. "Fine but Roman, you and I are going to be on the same team because I have a plan" He said smirking mischievously. Roman copied and turned to the smallers who gulped, looking at each other with a 'we're f*cked look'. Logan looked at them. "You have ten seconds. Run" They didn't need to be told twice, they bolted away, looking for a hiding spot. Logan told Roman his plan and they waited ten seconds before going after them, Logan going after Virgil and Roman after Patton. Virgil was hiding behind a tree, he looked around and couldn't see either of his boyfriends which made him a little anxious. Logan smiled to himself as he saw Virgil look around before disappearing behind the tree again. He snuck up behind the tree and snuck up behind Virgil. Virgil turned around and gasped as he saw Logan, he bolted away from him with Logan close on his heels.

But Logan was faster and caught up to Virgil, grabbing him by the waist and lifting him into the air. Virgil let out a shout of surprise before giggling like a little kid. Logan laid his down on the grass, straddling him, holding his hands up and Virgil instantly knew what he was going to do. "Don't you dare" He warned but it was in vain. Logan ran his fingers up and down his sides and Virgil burst out in laughter and giggles. "Lo ple-haha-please st-ha-stop" He pleaded in between laughter. Logan let out a small laugh and smirked down at him. "Say mercy" He said tickling Virgil under his arms. Virgil let out another bout of laughter. "Mercy!" He shouted and Logan sighed, stopping his playful attack. Virgil went limp, panting heavily to make up for the loss of air. "You asshole" Virgil breathed. "Do you want me to continue?" Logan teased and Virgil instantly shot up. "No, no I'm good." He rushed out. They saw Roman and Patton coming towards them and it looked like Patton got the same as Virgil, he was red faced and his breathing was still fast. Logan got off Virgil and picked him up bridal style before setting him down on the ground.

"This was your secret plan wasn't it?" Patton asked with a smile on his face. Roman looked at him with innocence. "Why Patton, what ever gave you that idea?" He questioned. Virgil rolled his eyes and smirked. "We're so going to get you back for this" He promised as he looked at Patton who nodded. The boys eyes widened and thought the same thing. 'We're doomed'. They then went back to picnic blanket and had lunch. They played hide and seek and another game of tag before heading home for the day since it was getting late. They had dinner which was takeout, Chinese, and built a pillow fort. They all fell asleep in each others arms, feeling safe with each other and that was all they needed.

The End

Well my lovely readers this is it for this book. Again, I hope that all of you have enjoyed this because I definitely know I have. But do keep an eye out for another book coming out it is called Memories. I love all you, stay safe out there. For now I bid you all goodbye....for now.  Bye guys! ❤️❤️

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