The Fight pt.1

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TW: Blood, gore, torture/abuse

3rd POV
A yell of pain could be heard, echoing through the villains base. Virgil was strung up, his legs dangling a feet off the ground, his hands chained together that was connected to the ceiling and was in his boxers. Virgil let out another shout as Remus slowly dug his knife down from the side of his neck to his hip bone. Remus giggled maniacally as he did it and pulled the knife out, bringing it up to his lips and taking a lick of the blood. Virgil let out a sigh of relief but whimpers afterwards when the pain hits him, his blood pouring out of the marks that were on his body. Deceit had brought out his electric whip and had whipped him 20 times and made him count. Remus has redone the scar on his eye and placed small cuts on his body other than the big one he just got. Deceit strutted into Virgils view with a sh*t eating smirk etched on his face. "Are you not ready to tell us what you haven't done wrong yet?" Deceit hissed. Virgil spat out blood and took a few breaths that made his whole body ache. "I told you, I don't know what I've done wrong. I've been doing the mission like planned." Virgil said.

Ever since Virgil woke up, Deceit and Remus have been trying to find out why and how Virgil told the hero's of their plan. Deceit shook his head in disappointment. "Oh but Virgil you haven't done something wrong. You didn't tell the hero's who we aren't and what our plans aren't." Deceit sneered. Virgil glared at him through his sweaty bangs. "I did nothing. I was doing the mission like you and Remus told me too." Virgil repeated. "Then how come the shock bands aren't off?" Deceit asked. Virgil's eyes widened and fell silent. "Ohhh look Dee~ He doesn't have an answer does that mean he's been lying?" Remus asked starting at Virgil with a crazed look in his eyes. Deceit looked at Remus with a smirk. "No it doesn't Remus." Deceit said facing the hanging emo. "Now that you haven't told the hero's of our plans this doesn't mean they won't be coming here." Virgil's eye widened even more and started to move around, thrashing about. "No! Don't you dare hurt them!" Virgil shouted at them. There was a loud slap as Deceit struck Virgil on cheek, Virgil stopped moving but glared daggers at him.

"We won't hurt them any way we don't want. You don't belong with us, we aren't your family." Deceit said. "That's just a piece of paper. It doesn't mean anything to me! You are not my family." Virgil growled. "Awe Anxiety that really hurts." Remus pouted and walked closer with his knife in hand. "I really thought we had a connection~" After Remus spoke he stabbed Virgil in the leg. Virgil let out a cry of pain and gritted his teeth." F*ck you" Virgil spat. Remus kept the knife in his leg until Virgil fell unconscious. He licked the blood off and giggled crazily afterwards and walked up to Deceit, giving him a kiss. They broke apart at a small red light in the corner flashing, meaning that there were intruders. Deceit smirked and looked at Remus who was grinning like a mad man. "Remus I don't believe it time to welcome our friends" Deceit said and they both walked out of the room, leaving Virgil hanging there, bleeding out slowly.

"Are you sure this is the place specs?" Roman asked looking at the abandoned warehouse in front of them. Logan huffed irritably at the nickname but nodded. "Yes I am sure Roman. This is where the cameras showed him going." Logan said. "How do we get in?" Patton asked, looking for a door but not finding one. Roman grinned mischievously. The next thing you know there is a giant hole in the wall with smoke coming off it. Patton and Logan glared at Roman and he smiled sheepishly at them. "I didn't think about the noise...sorry." Roman apologized. Logan rolled his eyes and looked into the darkness of the warehouse. "Roman can you give us a torch and be ready for anything. These villains are smart and probably already know we're here. Just find Virgil then get out of here as quick as we can." Logan explained. Roman and Patton nodded grimly and they all started walking in, with Roman in front lighting the way with fire licking his palms.

They checked all the rooms they've seen so far but no Virgil so far. Patton opened a door to the left and saw a almost bare room. (You all know what the room looks like and I'm too lazy to write it again :)) "Guys I found a bedroom!" Patton shouted to the others. Logan and Roman appeared next to him and they all went into the room. "It doesn't look like much." Roman commented looking around. "This is Virgil's room." Logan stated looking through the drawers. "How do you know?" Patton asked sitting on the bed, grimacing at how hard it felt. "Because of this" Logan turned around with a photo of a small boy smiling with what looked like two parents behind him. The boy looked to be around 6 years old and the adults behind him looked similar to how Virgil looked. The father had black hair and a smile that looked more like a smirk. The mother had fair white skin with lush lips, staring at the little boy with a loving smile on her face. "Is that our Virgil when he was a kid?" Roman asked smiling. Logan nodded, smiling a bit as well. "I believe those adults behind him are his parents, they look similar to how Virgil looks now" Logan said and the other two looked closer.

"Awe he looks so cute! And he's smiling! He hardly ever smiles now though" Patton pointed out. Roman nodded. "How could someone so sweet and loving end up with Deceit and Remus?" Roman questioned sadly. They fell silent as they though about this. Patton shook his head and looked at them. "It doesn't matter right now. What matters is that we get Virgil back safe and sound away from them" Patton said boldly. "You're right Pat. This is what we love about you. You're so protective its cute" Roman said kissing him on the forehead. Logan nodded and kissed him on the cheek. Patton blushed and cleared his throat. "L-lets go uh look more" Patton stuttered and walked out. Roman and Logan followed, chuckling. After checking a few more rooms they found Deceits and Remus' room and lets just say that they never want to look or go in ever again. They came to the last door and held their breaths. If Virgil wasn't in there then they would have to assume something they would rather not. Roman took a shuddering breath and turned the door handle slowly, the door creaking as it was opened. Shuddering gasps could be heard throughout the room.


Hehehe cliff hanger much. I know that most of you will be like 'No we know what gonna happen' but imma say this, there shall be an even bigger plot twist! As always stay tuned for the next chapter. See ya guys!


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