Hint No.2

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A/n: Okay so last chapter I stuffed up about Virge asking Deceit and Remus for the name of the rat in the police forces name sooo lets pretend that they gave the name of that person too Virgil yeah? Cool.

TW: Fighting, torture/abuse, getting shocked.
Virgil's POV
As I walked through the doors of the bank I instantly noticed the silence and that there were no people to be seen. I looked around cautiously just incase there were cops or the hero's were hiding around the corner to scare me. When I looked everywhere, I shrugged and made my way to the vault. I shot a purple lightning bolt at the vault causing the door of it to go flying into were the money was stacked. I groaned aloud. Great now I have to run around and grab the money! I thought, grumbling. I grabbed the sack from my pocket and started filling it with the money. After it was filled I left the vault, stepping over the pile of rubble that was created from the bolt of lightning, and exiting the building. I looked around and found the streets to be just as quiet and empty as the bank. I looked around confused as all hell. Hesitantly, I started walking towards the road when there was a rush of wind. The wind was so fierce that I lost my grip of the sack of money that I was carrying on my back. The sack flew towards a bus stop and landing on the chair.

Suddenly there was an earthquake around me. The ground was cracking in a circle around me it was lifted up into the sky with me on it. I yelped in shock and fell onto my butt. Looking around I saw Logan on the ground, his eyes glowing a dark blue with his arms high up in the air. I let out a small growl and looked up to the sky, seeing Roman and Patton hovering in the sky above me. If that's how you want to play, fine lets play the game that way. I thought, glaring at the hero's in the sky. I stood up but as I did the land I was on started falling with me falling as well. I let out a shocked gasp and closed my eyes quickly creating a storm and asking the wind to carry me to the ground. As I hit the ground I looked up to the see the Hero's standing next to each other, their eyes glowing. Logan's was glowing dark blue, Patton's was glowing a sky blue colour and Romans was glowing a fierce red. "Look I don't want any trouble here, just let me go back to base with the money" I yelled to them over the wind the storm was creating. "Not a chance Anxiety" Roman yelled back. I sighed and looked at Logan, signalling to him for mindlink. He nodded and his eyes glowed brighter.

'Hello Anxiety, what would you like us to do this time?'
'I need you guys to fake a fight, well not really I need you guys to hurt me a little so De-my 'bosses' can have proof that I'm not helping you guys'
Logan looked hesitant to agree but nodded his head.
'Would mind if I added Princey and Morality to this mindlink channel?'
'Nah go for it'
Logan looked at Princey and Morality who tilted their heads in confusion until Logan told them what was happening and nodded then looked at me.
'Why hello everyone'
'Hi Anxiety!'
'Hello you evil doer'
'I've explained what you said to me and Morality doesn't agree but Princey does, I am reluctant to agree but I find it logical in this type of situation'
'I feel so loved by you Princey'
'You are a Villain but the prince always helps others in need so I agreed for your wellbeing!'
I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
'Right. I'm going to give you guys a hint by giving you a name of a umm...rat, as people call them, that's in the police force. So my bosses have everything on all of you because you gave your name and information to them apparently.'
The Hero's had shocked and angered faces as they heard the news I gave them.
'That's impossible. We had the police forces oath and promise that they would not tell anyone'
I winced as I knew that it was Deceit that would have gotten it out of them.
'My 'bosses' can be....very persuasive. Either threatening them or offering them something that means a lot to them'
'That's horrible! Your bosses sound scary and terrible!'
'Let's just get this over with so my 'Bosses' can get their money'

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