Shockingly upsetting

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A loud banging on my door woke me up from my nightmare infested sleep. "Hey Charlie frown, time to wake up for Patton has made his fabulous Patton-cakes!" Roman shouted in his prince voice through the door. He left before I could reply to him though. I got up and changed into dark blue jeans, black t-shirt and a plaid black and grey jumper. I tried to fix my hair but that didn't work so I just put my bangs in my face and left my room. I went into the dining room and sat down at the end of the table next to Roman and Logan. "Morning Virgil, how was your sleep?" Logan greeted. I shrugged. "I-it was a-alright I g-guess" I replied. If you count nightmares as a good sleep then sure. "That's good" Logan responded. Patton then walked into the dining room with a plate full of pancakes or 'Patton-cakes' as he calls them. "Morning Kiddos! Here is the Patton-cakes." He said, placing them down in the middle of the table. We thanked him and grabbed them. Logan grabbed two, Roman grabbed three, Patton grabbed three and I grabbed one. Roman glanced at me worriedly but quickly became distracted by Patton passing him the syrup.

After eating breakfast we all gathered in the living room to talk about what happened last night. Logan started off. "Virgil as we discussed last night about our secret identities, I think I speak for the others as well, we would very much appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this." He said. "Y-yeah of co-course. I'm p-pretty good at kee-keeping secrets." I said and I could tell that the others knew what I was mentioning. "We would like to talk to you about that as well Virgil. Does Anxi-" I cut him off by slamming my hand on his mouth and glancing around the room anxiously. I looked back at the others who I could tell were pretty confused. "Th-they could b-be listening any-anywhere and an-anytime" I whispered. Logan nodded and I took my hand away slowly. "So you know our mutual friend's....'bosses' then do you?" Roman asked quietly. I nodded hesitantly. Welllll if you mean knowing them as being the one abused and tortured then suuurrreee. I thought sarcastically. "What are their names?" Patton asked eagerly. I froze, I hate being put on the spot. "I-I cant t-tell you.." I said. Their hopeful expressions fell. Oh crap sad people what do I do?!.Oh wait! "B-but one th-thing I c-can tell you I-is that o-our 'mutual f-friend' is go-going to leave an-another hint soon." I said, looking around the room for cameras or any sign for Remus or Deceit listening in.

"What is it? Do we finally find out about his 'bosses'? Do you think we'll be able to help him?" Roman asked. I shook my head, feeling the anxiety hitting me from so many questions. I need to calm down otherwise my voice is going to change. In for 4....hold for seven......out for eight. I kept repeating that until I felt my heart slow down. I took a shaky breath. "A-all I c-can s-say is th-that this hint is i-important." I said. I could already see the cogs turning in Logan's mind. "Virgil do you...get abused, I guess you could say from the same people as our mutual friend?" Logan asked. This caught Roman and Patton's attention. The anxiety is back. Before I could reply, my phone rang making me jump. I grabbed it from my pocket and looked at the called ID. Remus. What have I done now?! I thought. I answered it. "Ahh Anxiety there you are! We need you to come in for 'work'. Dee has something sweet planned for you~!" He said. "Okay. When?" I asked trying to keep myself from stuttering. "Dee says he wants you here in about 20 mins. See you soon Virgil" He hung up and I put my phone in my pocket. Might as well leave now since it takes 15 mins to walk there. I thought, standing up. "I-I need t-to leave. M-my boss ju-just called s-saying for m-me to co-come in." I stuttered out. "Oh alright do you want me to drive you there?" Roman asked, getting up. "NO I mean uh no. I-I'm g-good w-walking." I said. "Ohhhhkkaaayyyyy then" Roman said sitting back down. I grabbed my house keys and went to the door.

Before I left I turned around to face the hero's. "Do-don't worry I-I wont t-tell anyone" I said then left the house. Soon enough I arrived at the base. I opened the door and walked in, shivering at the coldness within. I made my way to the mission room and opened the door, walking in. I see Deceit and Remus sitting in their usual spots and they turn around to face me. "Ah Anxiety such a pleasure to see you as always." Deceit said. I nodded at him. "If you don't mind me asking sir, but why am I here?" I asked. "Deceit and I have a surprise for you~!" Remus said happily. They both stood up and made their way over towards me. As they got closer I couldn't help but take a step back, making Deceit smirk at me. As they stood in front of me, Deceit pulled something out of his pocket that made my eyes widen. Shock bands! I thought terrified. "U-umm sir why w-would I need those?" I asked. Deceit rolled his eyes. "Oh please Anxiety keep on stuttering I do so love it" Deceit lied. "These are to totally not keep you in check and to not do it for fun" He smirked and Remus giggled maniacally. I flinched but sighed in defeat and held up my arms. Deceit's smirk widened as he put the bands on me.

Deceit stepped back and pulled out a remote from his pocket. "Now lets not see if they don't work" He said putting the dial on three then pressing the button. My whole body spasmed making me double over as painful shocks emitted from the bands. I shouted out in pain and my knees hit the ground. "P-please stop" I pleaded. The pain stopped and I felt my muscles untense. I let out a sigh of relief as I stumbled back on my feet, leaning against the wall. "Oh don't worry Anxiety we have something for your panther side as well~!" Remus exclaimed. "Change into your panther form for me" I shook my head as I was unable to speak. Remus suddenly lost all of his playfulness and suddenly looked murderous. "Anxiety I am going to ask you one last time. Turn into your panther for otherwise I will go get the Tefer" He threatened. I flinched as I remembered the pain from last time. I crouched to the floor and called upon the animal side of me, it was reluctant to give me its strength but it eventually did. i closed my eyes and let the transformation take over, turning me into my beautiful panther form. I opened my eyes as saw Deceit and Remus smirking down at me. I bowed my head and took a few steps away from them.

"Anxiety look up at us" Remus demanded. I looked up at them and had to hold back a growl that was bubbling in my throat. Remus then pulled something from his pocket that made me whimper and lay my ears lie back on my head. Shock did he fit that in his pocket?? I thought. Remus put the collar on me, my ears flicked when I heard the click of the collar. He walked backwards and grabbed the remote from Deceits hands. "Now Anxiety this doesn't change with you when you don't shift from different forms" Deceit said. "Oh pllleeeaasseee Dee can I test it out?" Remus pleaded. Deceit smirked and nodded. Remus giggled and putting it on dial four and pressed the button. I let out a pained growl and fell to the floor, curling up. This went on for about five minutes and in that time the pain lessened as I got used to it but broken whimpers still escaped me. It stopped suddenly and I looked up to see a bored looking Remus but there was no Deceit. "Alright Anxiety that's all for now I guess. Dee said that you could leave but to go and steal some money for us." Remus said then left the room. I pulled back the animal side and shifted back into my human form. Thankfully my clothes stayed intact somehow.

I left the base and made my way to the alleyway where I kept my Villain suit. I opened the bag that had the suit in it and put it on. I made sure that the wristbands were hidden and left the alleyway. I sighed and made my way to the bank that was across the street. Lets do this and give them another hint.

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