Backstory's of the Hero's

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TW: talk about death, bullying and different POV changes with flashbacks (Sorry not sorry lol)

Virgil's POV

The hero's just stood there, thinking about how they can cover this up but I'm pretty sure they know they couldn't cover this up. I really wish I had a camera to capture their faces, its hilarious. "Uhh well see Virgil we were just-umm.....practicing for a play we have to do for my um auditions! yeah!" Roman said trying to get me to believe him but its failing. I blinked. Does he really think that anyone would fall for that...they would have to be insanely stupid. I thought. "Cut the crap Roman, you guys are hero's!" I said faking shock. Roman looks away with an embarrassed blush on his face, Patton was rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and Logan fixed up his tie although it doesn't need fixing. "Well you are right about Virgil, we are in fact the hero's." Logan stated. The other two just sighed and looked at me sheepishly. Continuing the fake act, I widened my eyes and sat down on the couch, closing my eyes. "Okay...want to explain how? I mean don't you guys have jobs? How do you juggle being hero's and your actual life?" I questioned. I actually am curious about that, how do they do that? They looked at each other probably having a mind conversation. This continued until Roman groaned loudly and nodded.

They looked at me and brought the seats from the dining table, placing them a few feet away from me and sat on them. "Okay, so who's going first?" Patton asked and Roman instantly went for it. "oh oh me! I'll go." He exclaimed making me flinch. Logan had a flash of concern on his face when I flinched but it was gone the moment it appeared. "Okay so back when I was a child.." He started.

'Vietnam flashback in Roman's POV cuz idk how to doing 3rd POV'

I actually had a good life. I had amazing parents who were always there for me and loved me any chance they had. The only thing 'bad' thing that happened was that my uncle Remus went missing and no one was able to find him so they labelled him dead. Anyway when I first found out about my powers it was when I was watching TV. I remember this like it was yesterday, I was getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning to watch hot wheels, best series ever by the way. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV but as I was switching through the channels the TV went into the static mode thing. So I went up to it and banged on it cuz that usually works but then there was a bright light coming out of my hands and it shot at the Tv making it go on a fritz before there was 'pop' like sound coming from inside the Tv. I tried turning it off and on but it wasn't doing anything and I was terrified that I had broke it so I went up to my parents room and told them. They told me that it was probably the age of the Tv that made it die and that the light coming from my hands was just apart of my imagination. Now me being six or seven at that time I believed it until a few years later.

When I was like eleven or something, my parents and I were in the kitchen making breakfast for ourselves. I was putting bread in the toaster and was waiting for it to cook. I was getting impatient because it was taking so long and the bread popped up but it wasn't cooked. So I grabbed the slices of bread and started yelling at like a crazy person, when I felt my hand burning up like it was on fire. I looked at my hands and saw that it had sparks of flames coming frim them. I shouted for my parents to look and they did, just in time to see red and yellow flames bursting from my hands turning the bread that I was holding into ashes. I'll skip the drama between my parents but they found out that I had all the other powers like; Fire element, Light manipulation, conjuring anything I wanted from my mind and my animal transformation thing, they dedicated themselves to helping me control my powers. As time went by I got stronger and got better at controlling my powers, obviously there were a few accidents with my powers but none so fatal or bad. My parents divorced because they had lost connection with each other but they both love me very much and see me whenever they can. I meet Pat in high school when he was trying out for a play for drama and Logan...I'll let him explain it himself. 

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