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TW: Mentions of abuse, a sort of descriptive gore, getting shocked. 

Virgil's POV
It's been about a month since I started living with the Hero's and everything's pretty calm....and it's scaring me. All Remus and Deceit have been telling me to do is to rob banks and that's it. Nothing else to do with the Hero's or taking them down, hell they've even minimised my daily beatings. I've been on edge constantly, my anxiety taking over making me think things and see things that aren't even there and it scares the crap outta me. Patton, Logan and Roman are getting worried about me and are starting to ask questions about why I'm jumpy and anxious. I don't know what to say to them, I usually just leave making them suspicious. Its obvious that Remus and Deceit are planning something but what are they planning is the question. Every time I enter the mission room they stop what they were talking about and focus on me, instantly dismissing their previous conversation. I think I might actually need help trying to figure this out...

I am currently sitting at my desk, writing a note to give to the Hero's. It's short and simple but it tells the urgency. Once I'm finished with the note I grab my bag that has my suit in it and grab all the other essentials like my phone and mask. I walk downstairs and spot Patton in the kitchen, Logan sitting in the recliner and Roman dancing around, humming 'I can show you the world'. Logan notices me standing at the bottom of the stairs and closes his book. "Hello Virgil. Where are you off too?" Logan asked catching the attention of the other two. I fiddled with my hoodie sleeves, feeling the anxiety welling up. "I-I ha-have t-to g-go t-to wo-work" I stuttered, walking to the door. Logan frowned at me. "Alright, be safe walking." Patton said, waving with a smile. I was about to leave until I remembered the note that I had in my pocket and turned around. "O-oh I uh h-have a n-note fr-from out 'mutual friend'" I say handing the note to Roman who was the closest. "H-he s-said it w-was im-important" I walk out of the door and out of the apartment building.

I walked into a Starbucks where Remy worked. "VIRRGGIIEEE!" Speak of the devil. Remy, like usual, vaulted over the counter and came up to me, giving me a death gripping hug. He let go and sipped on the Starbucks drink he not so secretly summoned. "Hey Rem" I greeted. "I can't stay long. I have to meet up with the roommates so we can go to the movies" I lied. Remy pouted sadly. "Well do you want the usual ice black?" He asked walking to the nearest table and we sat down. I nodded and looked at the time on my phone. 3:45pm. I have plenty of time, I have 15 minutes left. Remy placed his hands down is side and looked around to see if anyone was watching before summoning a ice coffee, black like my soul. "Thanks Rem" I said, taking a sip. "No worries boo" Remy said before going on a rant about a cute therapist guy that visits the coffee shop to see him. "He's so fucking cute that I actually just want to hug him and watch cartoons with him. He loves cartoons, he makes references about them in almost every sentence!" Remy exclaims a pink tint on his cheeks.

I smirked knowingly. "Sounds like you have a little, huge, crush on him" I tease and snicker when Remy's face turns red. "B*tch shut up. How are your crushes going on your roommates?" Remy teases back. I cover my face, feeling it heat up. Okay so I may or may not have a crush on them. I mean who wouldn't! Patton's just so loving and adorable, Roman's so loyal and protecting and Logan's so smart and handsome! I confessed to Remy over the phone and now he wont shut up about it, besides it can't work. I'm the Villain, the bad guy while the others are hero's. People look up to them and love them, they deserve more than me. I felt someone smack me upside the head and I flinch backwards, hissing at who did it. "Sorry Virgie I had too. I could hear you self-deprecating thoughts from over here. Seriously hun just tell them, I bet they feel the same" Remy said, sipping on a coffee he summoned. "Even if I did try to tell them, I would probably back out of it and have a panic attack" I said. "And then hide under the covers until the sun goes away for a few days...or weeks"

Remy rolled his eyes and I checked the time. 3:57pm. "Sh*t Remy I gotta go. It's almost time for the movies" I say standing up. Remy pouts but stands up and gives me a hug. "Have fun on your date!" Remy shouts as I leave the coffee shop and I flip him off in response. I walk into an alleyway and check if it was clear before changing into my Villain outfit. I then summon wind to lift me up and take me to the roof of the building next to me where I told the Hero's to meet me. I touched down and sat on the edge of the roof and waited. About 10 minutes later I heard footsteps on the roof. "You're late" I say as I stand up and turn around to face them, crossing my arms. "Calm down Maleficent. We were busy chatting to the police to see how the rat was going" Roman stated with annoyance. I went to say something but Patton cut me off. "Anyway, why do you need us here kiddo?" He asked. I remembered why I called them here and ran a hand down my face nervously. "I t-think that my b-bosses know" I said rubbing my arm. "How?" Logan asked. "That's the thing I don't know. Every time I go into the mission r-room they stop tal-talking and pay attention to me w-which never happens" I say cursing myself for letting my stutter show.

"But that's hardly an evidence" Logan said frowning. I shook my head and sit down on the edge of the roof making Patton nervous. "It's n-not just that. Th-they've also eased u-up on my...punishments. A-also all they have b-been telling me to do is r-rob banks. They say n-nothing about you guys!" I exclaim. Roman cursed which makes Patton hit him. Roman pouts and rubs his arm then faces me. "Well what do we do?" He questions. "I...I d-don't know" I admit. "I was h-hoping you c-could help. But then again w-why would y-you? I'm the bad guy...the Villain" I whisper the last part to myself. There was silence for a minute until Logan spoke. "Anxiety if you truly think something is going to happen, then it is important to tell us their names so we can end the fight before it begins" Logan said softly. I put my head in my hands. What if they find out? What would happen to me? More importantly what would happen to them? I can't lose the only people who have cared about me that's not Remy. I thought.

In the end I decided to tell them. I stand up and look anywhere but them. "I don't know if you'll remember th-them or e-even know them b-but I know R-Roman will." I said and Roman looks at me confused. I take a deep breath. "D-damian Snake a-and Remus M-mace. They are also kn-known as D-deceit and The Duke" I mutter but it was loud enough for them to hear. I glance up and see Roman fuming with anger, Logan's eyes glowing a dark blue and Patton wearing a confused expression. "Wait who are they?" Patton asks. "Deceit and The Duke were the most notorious villains. Deceit would command snakes to strangle or bite his victims while The Duke would project terrifying thoughts into the victims mind before smashing their head in with a mace" Logan informed with a rare show of anger in his voice. Patton gasped and started crying. "And you lived with them?" He asked me. I nodded lowering my head. I was suddenly tackled into a hug by all of them and all of us fell to the ground.

I landed with a grunt and looked up at them. They were all crying. "Oh my fairy godmother Anxiety I am so sorry that you had to live with them" Roman sobbed. I give him a small smile. "Ro it's fine. Technically it w-was my dumb f-fault but that's a story f-for another t-time" I said. He looked curious but nodded. We hugged for a small bit until I started to get uncomfortable, I still wasn't used to physical contact. "U-um guys c-can you uh...hop off m-me?" I asked. They got off and apologised. Logan offered me a hand and I took it. They wiped their tears away and sniffled, it was really surprising that Logan cried. I was about say something until I felt a sharp stinging pain in my wrist that went through my whole body. I let out a yell and doubled over, tugging at the shock bands to try get them off. It only made it more painful making me seize up and fall to the ground. The others were asking what was wrong but all I did was point to my wrists and let out a pain filled yell. The pain amplified making me scream and curl up. I felt someone pin me down by my arms and legs, someone rolling up the sleeves of the suit. Black spots entered my vision and I tried to force myself to stay awake but it was pretty much useless. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was all of them shouting my name and trying to keep me awake.


"Hold on Anx!"

"Try and stay awake"

Then darkness and my last thought was, Why do I keep f*cking fainting!?

A/n: Hewo everyone. I have been cured of the wretched sickness thank god! That means I can be perfectly healthy when Easter comes and I will eat chocolate all day until I throw up which will probably happen. Lol it's probably the same for most of you all. I hope you are all being safe and are doing okay with all the stuff with the coronavirus stuff because I love and care for you all. As always everyone stay tuned for the next chapter. See ya guys! 💜

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